Chapter 5 - THE BOYS

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I avoided everything about you since that incident. You texted me, called me. I didn't bother to do anything. I just felt hurt. That's all.

Thinking about you suffocated me. Knowing that you belong to someone else broke me into shit pieces.
I'm not that strong Wonyoung-ah.


"Yujin-ah, I won't be here for the next 5 days. I'll be out of town for my project. Can you be on your own?" Mom said while we're having our dinner in a small stall near our neighborhood.

"Don't worry about me mom. You should be worry about yourself. You're lack of sleep and work too much. Please take care of your health. I don't want you to get sick." I was really concern about mom and now she's working out of town?

"You know I have to do this honey. It's for us. I promise we'll go for a vacation after I finish with this okay? We can go anywhere you want to. You can choose our destination." Mom tried to persuade me.

"I doesn't matter mom. Please just love yourself. After graduating I'll find a job so you won't work too much."

"Ahn Yujin. Please. We talked about this. I want you to go to college after this. Please just listen to me." Mom ruffled my hair.

"I'll think about it mom. I'll see you at home." I stood then walked away. I know I was being a jerk leaving mom there, but I was just too sensitive at the moment. I wasn't in the mood. Wonyoung, mom. Everything messed up.

At School

I laid myself on the grass underneath a big tree behind the school. It was the start of autumn. Leaves started to fall just like my heart. Just a peaceful evening. Everyone went home after the class. I took my guitar beside me and strummed through the strings, following my heart to create the melody.

Just another information, we had a band called The Boys which consist me and Yena as the vocalist, Chaeyeon as the bass, Doah as guitarist, Seoyeon as drummer and Jiheon as the pianist. We sometimes perform for cafés which was our part-time job, in school festival, school occasion and etc. That's why we're kinda famous. Well, the basketball players also in the band.

Back to me, I kept strumming the guitar with eyes closed. I heard a voice which I knew who it was asking me to hang out.

"Dude, let's hang out with the boys. We're going to PC café for a game then we'll continue to the arcade. After that we'll cook in Doah's house. Eat, sleep and movies." Chaeyeon tried his best to convince me.

I knew they were trying so hard to cheer me up these days. But I just can't. I need to calm my own heart. I need to heal it.

"I don't think I can go with---"

I couldn't even finish my sentence when Chaeyeon took my guitar and pulled my hand up.

"I accept everything but rejection Yuj. You know me. Get your ass up and let's just go!" He seemed serious though. I'm actually afraid when he got mad. He's such a great man, a kind-hearted one, with a good manner. But when he got mad, no one dare to talk.

I smiled to him and took my stuff. I hope I can forget everything and enjoy our time together, remembering we won't have much time together now.

Chaeyeon's dad will send him to Japan for college with Sakura since their fathers were business partners and took seriously about their children relationship. They're planning for their future.
Jiheon and Yena were also waiting for their scholarship announcement from a university in United States while Seoyeon and Doah will be somewhere in Korea. Me, I don't know yet.

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