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Few weeks later, Mahmud was up on his feet. He was doing much better with her help. He dressed up in his uniform ready to go back to work. He walked down the stairs and met his step mother five sisters waiting for him. Their last born, Intisar rushed to her brother and engulfed him in a hug. He picked her up and hugged her close. She kissed his cheek, "don't forget about the toys you promised," she reminded. "Roger that," he said and chuckled. He dropped her down.

"Masha Allah. Please do take good care of yourself and always pray. Pray, always pray Mahmud," she kept repeating. "May Allah bless you and protect you."

"Ameen Umma, thank you." He thanked her. He bid his sisters goodbye before stepping out. He entered his car and drove to Alhaji Mahdi Kirfi residence. He parked his car at the parking space just beside her car and hopped out.

He walked calmly to the entrance door. She opened the door beaming as always. He smiled back at her. "Good Morning," she greeted. They walked into the house same time her parents were walking down the stairs. He knelt down in respect and greeted them.

"Your father told me you're leaving today," Daddy spoke beaming at him. His head low, "yes daddy. I'll leave in an hour."

"May Allah bless you and protect you," Daddy prayed and they chorused. Mommy accompanied her husband outside while they headed to the dinning. She served him breakfast and sat opposite him. He was halfway through his delicious meal when he noticed she haven't touched hers. He sighed and kept his fork. "Why do you always get moody when I'm leaving?" He queried. She looked up and smiled that never reached her heart.

"Don't just smile and ignore my question," he said sternly. "It's nothing," she said shaking her head sideways. "I know you'll be busy with work and I know we won't get to talk much and only God knows when you're coming back...." she sighed looking away. "Manha," he spoke softly, sending chills down her spine. "Look at me," he insisted. "I thought you would get used to this by now. You know how my work is, it needs so much attention. Or do you want me to quit and stay home with you?"

"I will kill you if you do that," she said and they both laughed. He stared at her for brief seconds. She gives him joy no one every does. "I have to get going now else my copilot would chop my head off," he said standing up from the chair. He threw the car keys at her and she caught it. She adjusted her veil and labcoat and they headed out. They drove to the airport while she warned him about his health and also her gifts. She dropped him off and left to the clinic.

• •

"Tell me the truth, you and Yaya Mahmud are in love," Aydah said teasingly. "I am going to throw you out of my car if you don't shut up Aydah."

Aydah laughed at her reaction. "Your reaction says everything. You like him," she said and smirk. Maryam sighed and continued driving home.

They arrived at Aydah's house same time Mahmud's sisters were coming out of the house. "Hey Fadila, karima, how are you guys?" Maryam said politely. "Oh dear!" Fadila sighed. "When will you get it in your head that we don't like you? Not one bit. We get it, our parents are close but we know it's cause of our brother you're doing all of this bullshit," Fadila spoke bitterly. "Don't waste you're time on this brat," karima said dragging her sister away. "I don't even know what he sees in her," she added as they walk away.

Aydah sighed feeling embarrassed about her sisters behaviors. "Come let's go please. Yaya Mahmud will deal with them don't worry," she said holding Maryam's hand as they walk inside the house.

"Umma is out with intisar and Ummukulthum. Daddy is probably still at work and Yaya Mujahid might not be around too so we have the house to ourselves."

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