Knock, Knock {P1}

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"Oh wait... you aren't VV!"

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Jimin is drunk enough to mistake Jeongguk's door for his best friend's. But maybe it's not a complete waste of time.

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Beep, Beep, Beep. Jeongguk had expected a few drunk people to accidentally try their code on his door.

The party down the hall had been raging for the past few hours. A few of his Hyungs were having a good time at said party.

"Kook, when will you come with us?" Seokjin asked him earlier that day.

"I just prefer smaller gatherings with less binge drinking," Jeongguk said not looking up at Seokjin.

"But you should show off your dance talents!"

"I can do that whenever. No one will remember a guy..."

"A hot guy!" Seokjin said taking a drink of his water.

"Hyung! Never knew you harbored such feelings for me!" Jeongguk said resting his hands on his heart.

"I'm not saying anything but that you are attractive and can dance. That's all it takes to be the king of house party,"

"You could be instead of me,"

"Have you forgotten that I can't dance?"

"Nope. Never could let you forget that time we were drunk and you challenged me to a-"

"I will smack your ass back to Busan if you  bring that up again,"

"Sure, Hyungie!" Jeongguk flashed his smile at Seokjin widely.

The most likely hammered person at his door was different because as soon the code didn't work the person began knocking.

"VV!" The person would say in between sets of knocks.

Maybe if I don't answer they will leave? Jeongguk thought to himself.

They. Didn't. Leave.

Jeongguk, finally getting agitated, opens the door with a black face.

"You forgot about me!" The man whined.

"I don't even know you,"

"Fucking hell, VV!" The orange-haired male said while resting against the right side of the door frame. "Oh wait... you aren't VV!"

The drunk man eyes widen as he saw the tired looking man in front of him. It was like the last sober part of his brain had been turned on.

"Um well," Jeongguk said. "Who are you looking for?"

"Um, Taehyung. Kim Taehyung," He said. "He must be in the next complex. I'll get going."

The man tried to walk away but stumbled. Jeongguk shut the door behind him and grabbed the man's elbow.

"I've got this," He huffed out.

"You don't," Jeongguk laughed. "It's really fine. I'll just walk with you to your friends who lives in the building next to mine."

"You don't have to though,"

"You don't go to school here, I assume?" Jeongguk asked.

He shook his head.

"The party people here suck,"

"I'm a black belt,"

"Didn't question your strength. I questioned your drunk body," Jeongguk said. "Have you leveled to black while drunk?


"Everyone's form is off when drunk. I promise you are not bothering me so let's get going,"

"Fine, but I will repay you. You look tired,"

"If you say so. I like banana milk you could buy me a cartoon,"

"Okay, that seems alright."

Jeongguk and the orange haired man walked out the building. Jeongguk held the mans arm as he stumbled a bit.

"What's your name?"

"Jeon Jeongguk,"

"Oh, I'm Park Jimin."

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