Knock Knock {Pt2}

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"Who?" Taehyung asked as they stuffed their faces with food. Both had massive headaches. Both were constantly dashing to the toilet. But they both wanted to try to get something in their starving stomachs which cause Taehyung to make breakfast for his best friend.

"A guy named Jeong-"

"Jeon Jeongguk?"

"Um, I think?" Jimin said. Last night was fuzzy rembrance of what happens when he's alone with alcohol.

"You have to be kidding me!" Taehyung said hands flying up.


"He is as shy as he is hot. This girl touched his arm and locked eyes with him in the corridors, and he got so flustered he turned around then ran into the wall." Taehyung said. "He is so quiet that he asked the photography professor to go to the nurse and he was flabbergasted!"

"You got this guy to walk you to my door? Wait that means you know where he lives!" Taehyung said.

"I'm not taking you to the door of a kind, possibly delirious stranger just because you have the hots for him." Jimin said laughing.

"Put you can go to him... if you know what I mean..." Taehyung said wiggling his brows.

"I never going see him. He was just being nice to an embarrassingly drunk stranger who banged on his door for minutes. And walked with said drunk man so they didn't get jumped." Jimin said before stuffing his face with his food. "Nothing more to it."

Taehyung had been mumbling many "I told you's" as he made his way over to what Jimin said to be Jeongguk's door at 11:17pm on a foggy Saturday night.

He knocked a few times hoping his saving grace was even remotely awake.

His saving grace was awake. Just frozen in his spot. He was brushing his teeth as he heard a few light but sturdy knocks on his front door.

He became a deer in headlights wondering who it could be for that there was no parties anywhere near his floor nor complex. All of his friends had said their good nights to him. But, that didn't mean they hadn't fell asleep or woke up in dire need of their muscle bunny as his friends called him.

So after gaining his composure, made his way to the front door, tooth brush still in mouth. He opened the door to see not a friend but a classmate in two of his classes. Maybe?

"I'm very sorry to bother you. But I need you to shut my short, annoying friend up. My name is Kim Taehyung. Best friend of the guy you walked to my door. 'Like two weeks ago. Maybe? He got a little tipsy and is now gushing about your face and won't shut up till he sees your "Cute bug eyes" again. His words not mine." Taehyung said as un-awkward as he could. "So will you kindly come back to my apartment for like five minutes. Wait, shit, that sounds like a trap-..."

"Um sure?" Jeongguk said cracking into a laugh. "My hyung will murder you though, if I ended up in your body bag ..."

Jeongguk began walking out his dorm. And turned around to begin walking down the hallway.

"Um... sorry to remind you but you still have your toothbrush."

"Oh... shit right!" Jeongguk said turning back around.

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