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Act XII Scene I

   Now let me take you to Uzoakula kingdom. You remember King Ezeugo right?
  The scene opens to show king Ezeugo seated on one the chairs in his room, he looks weak and fragile. He sits, lost in thoughts as Adaure comes in.

   (Knock on the door)

Adaure: (knocks)

Ezeugo: who's that?

Adaure: Nna anyi, it's  me Adaure.

Ezeugo: Come in my daughter.

Adaure: (she pushes aside the creaky wooden door and came into the dim room illuminated by a small lamp). Nna anyi (our father), may you live long. ( she prostrated)

Ezeugo: I think I have already come to the end of my rope. But leave that matter aside, it is not the reason for which I called for you. I have something private I wish to discuss with you. (He paused and inhaled a large amount of air). My daughter I know you are having issues with your husband over trivial matters, but I want to inform you that he's going through a lot to ensure that he keeps his family's heritage and also this kingdom. I expect you to be more understanding of his situation, when he's crowned king he's definitely going to have time for you.

Adaure: I don't need him to have time for me anymore Papa, he left me on the night of our marriage for some royal duties, which explains just how much he values me.

Ezeugo: Taa!, méchiè gí ónù (shut up your mouth), don't say such things. It means that he is a great leader worried about the welfare of his people.

Adaure: Which is the reason why I did not want to marry a prince in the first place, but you forced me into this marriage, all I wanted was for someone to care for me as a woman and not as some obligation that he has to fulfil just to prove he's man enough to be king.

Ezeugo: Look here, I married Nwamma because your mother couldn't give birth to a boy not because she was a bad woman, but unfortunately, Nwamma couldn't give birth to a boy either and that's a fate I've lived to accept. I do not understand how you could act like this when your mother was a very responsible and understanding queen. Sometimes, I wish that Akunna was a male and my first child.

Adaure: Good enough, now that you've said your mind, I'm going to say mine too. It's not my fault I didn't love Akobundu before I married him and it's not my fault that he failed to perform his duties to his newly married wife on our marriage night, so now I don't need him anyone. I can act as a wife to him but I'll never believe myself to be one to him.

Ezeugo: You speak as one blinded by frivolities, tell me, is there something else I should know?

     (Adaure keeps quiet)

Ezeugo: Adaure!...

Adaure: (she shuddered at his voice) I've always loved someone else Papa, even now I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Ezeugo: Has he known you? (Fear is laced in his voice) Has he?!

Adaure: Yes..
  Ezeugo's breathing increases rapidly and his heartbeat starts dropping slowing down. He leans back into the chair and closed his eyes as his heart failed him.

Adaure: Papa, papa!, oh no, what have I done?... I know what to do, I'm going to leave him right here, go back to my quarters and pretend that o don't know what happened. (She pulled his body towards his bed and left him there after she covered him with a blanket before leaving).

  When she walked through the hallway, she didn't see anyone, it wasn't odd, but she was relieved nonetheless. At the exit of the hallway, she told the guards positioned there that her father was already asleep.

Adaure:  Hey you two, his royal highness sleeps, and he isn't feeling so well. I don't want any disturbance while I'm gone, do you understand?

Guards: Yes, your highness. (They prostrate).

  Scene ends..

       Scene II

  This is the second day Olaedo has been kept locked in the palace dungeon, she has still not heard nor seen any sign of the Prince and nobody had bothered to inform her about the situations in the royal household.
She is pacing the dungeon when she heard the sound of the lock turning and in came a maid carrying a tray with food.

Girl servant: Good morning, Mmachi said you're the new prisoner. She's busy today so, I'm going to see to your feeding for the day.

Olaedo: That's generous of the both of you, but it's been a while since I was taken hostage. Ma Ezinne ga échègbu onwe ya (Ma Ezinne would be worried). I'm pleading with you, please talk to the prince on my behalf so I can be released quickly.

G.S: Honestly, I would like to tell you everything to put your fear at rest but I'm not in the position to discuss the matters  of the royal household with just anyone, but to make you understand why you haven't heard from the prince yet. I'm going to tell you now that the Prince's life is in danger, no one could tell for sure what's happening but it seems he reacted to something that was used to prepare his food and until now the herbalist has not been able to identify the kind of remedy to give him.

Olaedo: Really, if that's the case, then let  me go see him, I might be able to help. I know a lot about herbs and remedies.

G.S: Please, (she raised her hand as a show for Olaedo to keep quiet) I only told you so you could understand the situation, not for you to start making empty claims just to get out. Here's, your food, pray I remember to come with lunch for you later.

Olaedo: But wait..

But the girl servant walked out.

                       Scene ends...

Please I urge you, if you're confused about the characters, then go load the picture on this chapter to refresh your memory...

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