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The rest of school went by pretty fast it was now 2:35 we had 2 minutes until the bell rang .


Off to my car I go .
Soon as I got home I did my daily routine .
Check my Instagram for anything new , I notice A'Rione followed me like 20 minutes ago ...
All these notifications pop up , all from A'Rione . So I decided to show love back I liked atleast 8 pictures .

I later get a comment that says "thanks for the love baby girl 😘😍❤️!"

Awwwww ! I squeal . Then I comment back "No problem boo 👌."

So I got off of Instagram && logged in onto Wattpad . "Yessss !" I shout .
Lilbooty_ has updated my favorite book "Am I falling for him" .

So I read for about 4hrs straight then I got tired so , I got up && took a shower .

I took a 30 minute shower , then I ate .

I got in bed thinking about what would happen tomorrow at school .

Next Morning ...

My alarm goes off signaling time for me to get up for school ,,..


I yell to my brother .
Nothing .. -_-
So I go next door to his room.
I grab a pillow from the foot of his bed .
*SLAP !!
I hit him across the face .


" Dang Bray , I'm up leave me alone."

So I head back to my room && put on my cream colored crop top with my high waisted skirt && black heels .

So I head out once again mom isn't here yet , so I don't have to tell her I'm gone .

"I'm gone big head"

"Alright , you better go straight to school too" he replies .

"Boy bye" I say knowing exactly what he was thinking .

So I head off to school . I didn't have to stop && pick up Unique today , she got her parking pass back yesterday , Thank God !

When I got to school Unique was parked in our usual are so I whooped up right beside her . I grabbed my bookbag && got out .

"Hey Bat!" She speaks .
Yes we call eachother bats , she just all of sudden started calling her little brother that then me!
So we head into school . As I'm walking in I see A'Rione walking with this brown skinned girl name KeShay .
I don't know why but I kind of got a little upset .
I just shook it off && went to my locker .

(In 2nd prd)

Ughh Coach James got us running these stupid laps around the gym I'm ready to go .
*Whistle blows
"Alright , time to dress in" Coach James says .
Finally .
So I quickly run && get dressed . When I come out I went straight to the bleachers where my friends BreSha && Rayshun were .
BreSha's name was spelled differently , but said just like mine .

We sat there && talked until , the bell rung for break . Then we all left the gym && headed our separate ways . I went to the 100 building to meet up with my friend Tweety, she was more like a

sister to me . She's been there through everything since 4th grade .

"Ayeeeeeeee" I yell walking through the hall as I spot Tweety .

"Yasssss , there go my sistaa" she yells back .

I stop && chat with her until our 8 minutes were over . Then I decided to walk to class.
As I walk to the 300 building I notice A'Rione , Josh , Justin , && BreShay , all standing in the

corner . I walk on pass them to class . Once we got in there , A'Rione comes && stands over my desk .

"So Bray , what was up with those tweets lastnight ? Who got your attention ?"

" umm , I didn't even know you followed me" I say remembering my tweets from lastnight ...

*Tweets from the night before*

" Ughhh his voice just send chills down my spine"
"Why can't I stop thinking about him......?"
"I can already see us having a family together Ughh , lord 😍😍"

Dang it , I curse myself remembering I was talking about him .


"Oh really , you sure ?"

"Ahh yeah" so .... He goes to his seat && class goes on .

I go to 4th prd Algebra 1 , with my perverted teacher Coach Jeffery .
I hated being in his class because of the way he looked at me .
Sooo as I'm sitting in class , my phone vibrates .. I pick it up pulling down my notifications bar .

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