1 week later

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I wake up out of my sleep once again throwing up , I look at my phone to see what time it is .
1:00 am ....ugh I'm so tired of this .
I get up and call my mama .
No answer ..
So there's only one other way to reach her .
I get on google and look up her job's number .
I call and they answer but they tell me she's gonna have to call me back , because they have to go find her .
So I lay back down and try to sleep ... My phone rings
"Braysia what's wrong , you need me to get off and take you to the hospital?"
"yes ma'am please hurry"
"Okay I'm on my way."

So I wait about 15 minutes and she pulls up .
I get in and we're off to the hospital .
When we get there I didn't even have to wait they sent me straight to the back . So I get in the room ..
"here sweetly put this gown on , leave off your bra and undergarments."

So I did as told then I lay in the bed .
The door opens and in comes the doctor .
"So what's going on tonight?"
My mom explains the issue ..
"Well hunny go to the bathroom and pee in this cup , and drop it of at the front desk when you're done .
So I take the cup and go straight to the bathroom...
I finish my business and take the cup to the desk as told.

A few minutes later as I'm laying in the bad this fine doctor walks in .
"Are you Ms. salter?"
" well I'm gone need you to get in this wheel chair were gonna go get some X-rays done.
I ease off the bad slowly into the wheelchair as he holds my hand.
We get to the X-ray room and he tells me the lady will tell me what to do from here .
"Hi , I'm Susan I need you to lay flat on this table and I'm gonna do your X-rays .

After the X-rays are done I was wheeled back to my room .
I got into the bed again and began to watch tv.
The doctor comes in to put my IV in . She pokes my left arm ... There's no blood.
"Well , hmm there's no blood coming out." She says ...
I already knew that.
So she tries the other arm , && as she's taking the blood I feel like I have to throw up ...
So I whine telling my mama I have to throw up .
So the nurse's assistant gives me a pan , as soon as she lets it go I let everything go inside it.
So the doctor decides to give me Morphine in my IV ...
As the medicine shoots through my vein I start to feel sleepy .

I tried my hardest to stay awake but the medicine was too strong.
I finally was knocked out after a good 5minutes ....

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