Who Was That?

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii next chapter.... Iam bord and stuck at a party...... Snoz vile.... Z... Z... Z.. Z..... What iam awake ^_^..... Z.... Z..... Z
*future nightcore1 walks in*
Sorry guys didn't mean to fall asleep sooooooo hears the next chapter enjoy :-)

Merlins p.o.v

I was cleaning out the stables. Shoveling horse dung. Yack it smells so bad. I stand up straight, wiping the swet from my forehead and then from the corner of my eyes i see a man like figurs standing in the background, i couldn't see his face, he was looking straight at me. People where walking by not really noticing him standing there. I chould see a faint smile on the stranger face, then he walked away. I was confused and scared a bit. Who was that? I quickly finished cleaning up the stables and i ran back to the castle. I bumped in to gwain and i was about to fall but he catched me just in time

"ow merlin slow down. Whats wrong? Are you ok?"

I stop. Was i ok? I donf know. I can't just tell gwain i ran because i saw a creepy guy in the market he'll think iam insan.

"what? Yay iam fine just going to see if arthur needs me then i might go home and sleep for a thousand years"

Gwain laughed at my joke but i was seriously i chould probably sleep for a thousand years iam exhausted

"well sense you've had a hard day why don't you come to the tavern with me and the knights"

I paused. I dont know if i should go.

"i dont know"i said not sounding all convenient

"come on merlin please"

"All rights I'll go but iam only having on pint and iam not carrying you home"

"fine deal"

He held out his hand for me to shack it. I rolled my eyes and shacked his hand. He then walks of and i go to find arthur.

I saw arthur in the distances he was going back from training that whould explains why i bumped into gwain on my way to the castle

"arthur"i shouted for him. He ternd around and had an annoyed face on but all so a smile.I rolled my eyes and smiled back.i walked up to him

"so how is his royal prat today"

Arthur sighed i smiled even more.

"merlin you can't address me like that"arthur said still smiling

"ow well iam sorry my lord did i offend you by telling the truth"i said puting my hand on my hart to mock him. Arthur slaped me playfully on my arm. I laughed and so did arthur.

"so are you going to the tavern tonight"i asked

"yes might as well but i am not going to drink that much"

"same, you know i cant hold my drink"i said but it true i really can't hold my drink

"unfortunately i do"arthur agreed. Yes it was a long night but that's a story for next time.

"i dont need you for a while so you can have some time off"arthur said

"ok see you later your royal clotpoll"

I ran away befor he chould hit me then i hear arthur shouting after me

"see you later you complete utter idiot" i smiled as i walk away.

I walk back to my house. Gaise should be home by now. I opend the door and gaise was standing there macking some sort of medisin for one of his clients

"merlin your home early"

"arthur gave me some time off"

"ow bye the way a letter and a bunch of flowers where at the door step for you"

I paused, another one? Gaise ponted at the table next to him

"another one?"i said out loud

"another on? What do you mean another one?"gaise asked me

"yay i got one when you was out doing your rounds. It was on the table"i ran to my room and got the letter and rose. Gaise had stop what he was doing and now looked concerned. I came back with the letter and rose and meand gaise sat down with the 2 letters and flowers. I handed him the first letter he started to read the letter. After he read it he looked at me with a raised eyebrow

"i know it a little creep buts its a little sweet to"

"do you know who is sending them? "

" no, no i don't know who it is. its no ones hand righting that i know off "

" open the second one"

I looked at the second letter and it had the same wrighting on it. I opend the letter and began reading

Dear merlin
It's not fair how they treat you. How chould they let such a beautiful swan clean stables. Your like a trapped princess that in slaved by a wicked king but i will save you from them. I'll be your knight in shining armer and we will ride into the sunset togever. My love i will save you.
       From your shining knight in armer

When i finished reading,chills whent up my spine.what the hell. Who is this? Why are they sending me letter And saying that i am some sort of damsel that in slaved my an evil king. Then fear when throw my hole body. They think arthur has in prison me and thinks he's a threat and am scared about what he will do to arthur

"what dose it say"

I put the letter in my pocket

"nothing much just a load of rubbish about love"


I walked into my room and shut the door. I heard him shout my name but then i heard him sighed and give up. I band my head against the wall. They'll give up soon. I'll just ignore them. I sighed and rubbed my forehead i sat down on my bed and fell asleep and made a note to get up in an hour.

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