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Haven Wayne laid in her bed asleep. Her brother, partner, and commissioner Gordon surrounded her. "What happened" asked Gordon.

"I don't know. She went out earlier and then turned up unconscious outside of the gates an hour ago." Bruce replied.

"Nygma must of gotten her again but why would she go out knowing he's after her" Bullock asked.

"Think maybe he contacted her" asked Bruce.

"It's possible but how would he of" Gordon replied.

"There's no way anyone can hack into our security system. All electric devices are rigged to alert me of a suspicious contact or hacker tried to get in"

"Maybe she wasn't going to meet him. She could of gone out for a drink. I know I would given the situation she was in" replied Bullock.

"Either way we need to find him. I don't want one of my best officers to die at the hands of a rouge." Said Gordon.

At that moment haven opened her eyes. She started to shake out of fear. "Woah kid it's ok. You're home. You're safe" Harvey said trying to comfort her.

"Harvey" she said.

"Yeah kid it's me"

"Oh god Harvey" she said pulling him to her in a tight hug.

"Haven your shaking what happened" he asked.

Haven shook her head no. Ashamed of what she had done. "Please I don't want to talk about it"

"How about you talk to me alone about it. Would that be ok"

Haven thought about it for a moment before shaking her head yes. Bullock motioned for the other two to leave the room. "Alright kid what happened"

"It was Nygma" she said.

"I kind of figured that. What did he do to you"

Haven began to cry. Never has Harvey seen Haven Wayne like this. She must be truly scared. "Oh god Harvey. I slept with him"

"Jesus kid" he said still holding on to her. He didn't want to let the woman go. She was the closest friend he has ever had and he hated seeing her like this.

"I don't know what happened. I dont know why I let it happen"

"Listen to me right now. He manipulated you. He practically raped you Haven"

"I feel so ashamed Harvey"

"Don't. This wasn't your fault. Listen you need to take time off. Stay here where you are safe."

"You will come everyday to see me"

"Of course. I'll even ask your brother if I can sleep here so I can keep you safe"

"Thank you Harvey"

"Listen you have had a long day. Now get some rest ok"

"Ok" Haven sniffled.

Once his partner was settled he walked out of her room where Jim and Bruce waited. "She's taking time off" he said to Jim.

"So what did he do to her."

"He manipulated her into sleeping with him."

"So he raped her" Bruce asked.

"Pretty much"

"Bullock I'm putting you in charge of keeping her safe. I'm afraid if this continues we may have another Harley Quinn situation" said Gordon.

"You really think my sister would fall in love with him" Bruce asked.

"I don't know but Nygma is very manipulative so who knows what will happen. The best we can do is pray she's mentally strong enough to resist him" he said before he walked away.

His Obsession/His Love *Edward Nygma aka the riddler fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now