The toad face

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"You girls have everything you need right?" Asked Remus for the millionth time that hour. Persephone nodded her head and smiled as she passed a book to Sylvia. "Yes daddy, we've already been through everything." She said. "Yeah we even double checked, triple checked, and quadruple checked just in case." Sylvia said. Remus nodded and gave the two girls a hug. "Alright then off you go," Remus said softly pushing them to the floo. "I'm sorry we can't drop you two off at the station, but we're already incredibly late." He said frowning.

Sylvia shrugged. "It's alright Remus. We'll be fine. Besides it's the older sisters job to take care of her baby sis!" She said smiling and placing her elbow on Persephone's head.

Persephone pouted," You're not that much older than me," She muttered. Remus chuckled. "Bye girls, please be careful and have fun." He said as he waved goodbye.

The two waved, grabbed a handful, and with a flash of greenlight were gone.

There was a familiar warmth of the station. The two walked off and set off towards the train. There were first years saying goodbye to their parents, and stuck up second years pushing their parents away. 

Persephone smiled as she walked to the fiery red train; Sylvia trailing behind her. They entered the train and chose a compartment and began settling down.

A whie later Patty showed up in the compartment. "Hey," she said smiling. "Had a feeling you guys would be here." She sat down next to Sylvia. "How was your summer?" Asked Persephone. Patty shrugged. "It was good, kinda sucked that we didn't get to hang out as much this year." Muttered Patty. "Yeah, it was pretty lame." Persephone said. "Well our dads are dating, so me and my dad moved in with Seph." Sylvia said, Patty's eyebrows flew up.

"Well then... I guess my dad owes James some money then." She said chuckling a bit.

Sylvia and Persephone stared at her with confusion. "What do you mean?" Asked Persephone. "Well my dad bet James that Remus and  Sirus wouldn't date until we were done with Hogwarts. James bet that they would be engaged by Fifth year," Patty explained.

About two hours later, Harry still hadn't dropped by to say hello. Persephone's worry continued to grow. Finally Sylvia grew tired out of it. "Merlin's tits Persephone! Just go look for him." Said Sylvia. Persephone nodded and stood up. "I'll be back soon." She mumbled, she softly opened the door.

She walked down the train, checking every compartment. Finally she came to the end of the train and found Harry talking Luna. They seemed to be talking about something because Harry was blushing and Luna was just smiling. Persephone cast an invisibility charm and pressed her ear to the door.

"Don't know Luna, what if I'm wrong?" Harry's voice said, it sounded a bit more deep than usual. Luna's soft laugh could be heard. "Harry you're overreacting, I'm sure you've picked the right sunflower. You should probably head back before she begins to worry." Said Luna. There were tiny whispers and  then the sound of someone getting up could be heard.

Persephone stood up and removed the charm. She took a couple steps back and waited for the door to open and began walking. "Harry," She said happily as she flashed him a smile. Harry's head looked up and her heart stopped.

Harry had grown a good foot taller and was now 5'8. His usually black messy hair was now even more messier making it allear as if he had just shagged someone's brains out, his green eyes seemed even more intense, and Merlin quidditch had really done Harry a couple of favors.

Once she was was done checking out her boyfriend she noticed him biting his lip as he stared at her up and down.

She herself had also had a glow up. Her usual light brown hair had been charmed to a dark brown from the roots fading out to sunflower yellow at the tips, her skin still tan just not as much as Harry, she was still just 5'2, her curves had also become noticable and she was certainly not lacking in them. She in general, seemed to beautiful to be gorgeous yet to fragile to touch, like someone out of your imagination.

She smiled and walked over to him. "You done? Or are you going to kiss me?" She said chuckling. He smirked and held out his arms. She ran into his arms and gave her a hug. "Missed you," he mumbled into her hair. She smiled. "Me too." She said into his chest. Harry opened the door to the nearest compartment and made sure nobody was in there before he let her walk in.

"Where are Patty and Sylvia?" He asked. "Down the hall." She said as she sat down. He nodded. "How was your summer?" He said he pulled her down to sit on his lap. She blushed a bit, but didn't complain. "It was fun, Sylvia and Sirus moved in." She said. Harry nodded. "I guess dad won some money then," he mumbled. "How was yours?" She asked as she twisted a strained of his. He shrugged his shoulders. "It was alright, had to listen to my mum and dad fight alot and Hayley's complaining but other than that it was alright." He said. She frowned. "I'm sorry," she muttered. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" She asked, her eyes widened and her bottom lip was pouting. He groaned and layed his head back against the wall. Persephone still clueless to what was happening moved a bit more. "What's wrong?" She asked. He groaned one more time as he bit his lip.

Finally he looked back at Persephone. "Baby, when your on my lap, don't move unless you want to get me excited." He said. She blushed as she nodded. "Sorry Harry." She mumbled. He shrugged his shoulders. He grabbed her chin with two fingers and turned her head to look at him. "Hey, it's alright. Well learn how to take care of things later in this relationship. " he said. She smiled and leaned in giving him a soft kiss.


The kids exited the train and began loading up into carriges and boats. "So," said Patty smirking. "Persephone you were gone for a while." Persephone blushed and nodded as she squeezed Harry's hand. "Yeah, I got lost in the train and Harry helped me but then I forgot where you guys were." Said Persephone. Sylvia nodded as she rolled her eyes. "Alright," said Sylvia.

They walked into the great hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table. They listened to Dumbledore's speech as he  introduced the new DADA teacher. She was a toad faced lady dressed in all pink and by the looks of it. This was going to be a long year.

"Hem,hem." She said. All eyes went to Dolares Umbridge as she stood up from her chair completely ignoring Mcgonagall's glare.

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