Chapter Four

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Virgil's POV

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" Lewis and I said in unison. "I'm married," their father stated calmly. I didn't know what to feel, anger, sadness, joy, my dad had found someone. "When will we meet her?" Lewis asked seeing my expression.

"She's coming today, and she is bringing her daughters!" My dad said turning away. "Wait... her daughters?! I have stepsisters?!" I asked looking up.

The last thing I wanted was to have three new people living in my home with me! I rubbed my hands together anxiously.

"Yes, their names are Veronica and Britney, and they are to be here in an hour or so!" Father said leaving the room with his things.

"Is it just me or do those sound like the most generic bratty names ever?" Lewis said, smirking.

"Y..yeah," I responded, still anxious about the new stepsisters' information.

Lewis squeezed my hand comfortingly, smiling slightly. "It'll be ok. You still have me after all!"

Le Time skip

I had just finished writing about everything in my journal when Lewis knocked on my door. "They're here,"

Oh boy, here goes.

Lewis and I walked through the front door and here's the sight before us: There were two very extra looking girls climbing out of the carriage looking very annoyed, and a middle-aged woman standing next to my father debating with him about something.

My father turned around to see us. "Ah Virgil, Lewis meet your new stepmother!" Lewis stepped forward, and I followed reluctantly.

Lewis bowed slightly wearing a charming smile. "Good evening ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She didn't smile back, she just replied. "Yes I'm sure, meet my daughters." She said motioning back to the girls behind her.

"This is Veronica and Britney," she motioned to each of the girls individually.

"Virgil, show the girls their rooms," My father said looking at me. I felt my body forced to follow the order.

"Oh, uh, sure!" I said feigning happiness. I motioned for the girls to follow me inside.

As we got up the stairs I turned, motioning to the first room. "This is Veronica's room," I turned and motioned to the next room. "And this is Britney's room."

"Go get our bags!" Veronica said harshly. I sighed mentally cursing her as my body went to follow the order.

I went to the carriage looking for bags but found mounds of rolled posters. I sighed, grabbing an armful, and brought them upstairs.

I dropped them on the floor in Veronica's room. She shrieked and ran to them. "Be careful with those, they're special edition!"

She unrolled one and my breath caught slightly. On the poster was a picture of a very attractive guy.

His brown hair was flawlessly combed to rest directly above his eyebrows. His skin was a naturally tanned and gave off a slight golden sheen. His smile was perfect, curving into a half-smirk. And his eyes were milk chocolate and smiled along with him. He was dressed in a simple white shirt, with a red jacket, and blue skinny jeans.

"Wh...who is that?" Virgil asked breathlessly. Veronica stared at him incredulously. "You don't know who this is? You really are a moron. This is Prince Roman, my future husband!"

I stared at her dubiously. "Sure he is. Have you ever talked to him? Do you know what kind of person he is?"

"Who cares, he's hot!" She gushed. "And I will meet him at the mall opening tomorrow. Once he meets me, he will fall in love immediately!"

"Sure he will," I muttered under my breath. But Veronica heard me. "Shut your mouth and get my stuff!"

Some Prinxiety is coming in, and I love it!

*Realizes I'm the author* Oh, yeah I'm the one writing this.

Anyway, see you lovely people later!


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