5 ᴥ Ruined

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How could I blame her? All any of us want is to be loved and he couldn't give that to her. So why was I so angry at her then?

I watched fondly as Edward ran ahead of Jasper out of the house. The past few months had been indescribably peaceful, secluded off in the Alaskan wilderness. We already had a home out here - which Esme explained was from the years they spent coming and going when visiting their cousins in Denali.

That was another fun thing I had experienced recently. The Denali coven gave me more vampires to know and talk to outside of the new family that I had found with the Cullens. For the first time since James... left, I felt like I had friends I could talk to.

"I've never seen him so happy," Tanya murmured as she leaned on the balcony railing next to me.


"Oh yes," she smiled. Tanya always had an aura around her that made me imagine her in a different time, cozied up next to a fire with a cup of tea.

She continued, "We always thought he would end up alone. Irina tried a few times... hell, all of us did at some point or another. But no one ever really caught his eye."

"We thought Bella might have been the one, when he came up here after she moved to Forks." Irina mumbled as she joined us outside.

My stomach was in knots, "What do you mean?"

"Well, she's his blood singer. Irresistable. But he left because he wanted to be around her emotionally, personally. We thought he might end up turning her to be his mate," she explained.

I looked out into the trees, pretending not to see the look Irina gave Tanya. She was smug. Tanya was disappointed. I cleared my throat before excusing myself. It was only a few minutes home from the Denali's, which wasn't nearly enough time to clear my head from our conversation. Thankfully, Rosalie and Alice were in the living room when I arrived home.

"What's the matter?" Rose asked as I threw myself down on the couch dramatically next to her.

"Nothing, just jeal- Alice? Alice, what do you see?" I stood abruptly from the couch along with Rosalie as we watched the small brunette freeze in place.

When she finally came back to us after her vision, I could have sworn she was crying (silently, without tears). She held was shakey hand up to her face as she whispered one word.


"What happened, Alice?" Rosalie demanded.

"I... I don't know. I'm not sure-"


"She jumped!" Alice finally yelled. "I can't see her future anymore!"

If I were human, the blood would have rushed from my face.

"She...killed herself?" I whispered.

In the distance, I heard Edward and Jasper laughing.

"We can't tell him. Not until we're sure-"

"It's all dark now, Corinna! I know what I saw!" Alice hissed out.

"We need to talk to Carlisle first," I continued.

"Why wait? If she killed herself then there's no more problem!" Rosalie nearly laughed.


I turned to face the kitchen where Jasper and Edward were stood. I shut my mind off but there was no stopping him from seeing Alice's vision or Rosalie's unfiltered thoughts. I watched his eyes widen, his entire posture crumpling as he surely watched Bella jump in Alice's vision. Over and over.

"Rose is right.." Jasper started, but Edward was frozen in place, his phone in his hand, fingers twitching to call her, see if it had happened already.

"Edward... you shouldn't call. There's other ways we can-"

I couldn't get another word out before he threw the phone against the wall and stormed upstairs. Jasper was saying something about giving him space, but I had no intention of going after him. He was hurting, and truth be told all of us were - knowing we hadn't protected her - but I couldn't get rid of the look on his face when he read Alice's mind. This was more than his pride, his ego from not saving her.

He was hurting because he loved her.


It was a few hours later when I finally came back home from my hunt. Esme and Carlisle were home by now as his car was parked out front. I knew they had heard the news by now, but there was no telling how they were going to handle it. There was nothing we could do. We hadn't been in Forks in months, zero contact from Bella. So there was no reason for us to be involved now.

Emmett was the first to greet me when I went inside. I went to make my way upstairs, finally calmed down enough to try and talk to Edward. Even if he did love her more than I loved him I still wanted to help him through this. It was like a curse. Emmett stepped in front of me before I could take the first step, though.

"Corinna... he isn't there."

I stopped. His face was sad, and for a moment he looked much older than he was... in human years. He stepped out of the way anyways, and for that I was thankful. He was just warning me, not stopping me. I wish he had, though.

The room was relatively untouched. I expected the whole place to be cleaned out.

"He'll be back. I don't know when but I don't think he wants to see you."

I relaxed a little bit. He wasn't gone forever. He just wasn't here. Emmett's warning wasn't about Edward leaving the family. It was just about him leaving me. I thanked him as I sat on the lounge chair in the center of Edward's abandoned room.

I wished again that I was human, just so I could cry. Even once.

I curled my knees up to my chest, ready to spend the next however long I wanted sulking. It hurt that he left. That he didn't even want to see me. Just before I rested my head against my knees I watched Alice hurry down the hallway with a bag slung over her shoulder.

"Alice?" I whispered.

She poked her head around the doorframe.

"Where are you going?" I mumbled.

She looked like she would rather do anything except tell me, but one look at my face and she was in front of me at once, whispering in my ear.

"I'm going to see Charlie. Make sure she's really gone. He's all alone... I can't..."

I stood before she could finish.

"Let me grab my bag."

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