9 ᴥ Love

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Poetic, isn't it? Making a sacrifice like that. Putting your life and reputation in danger to save someone else. Someone who didn't want you to save them.


"We're going to be too late," Bella choked out as the sun rose while we waited outside the airport for Alice.

"It won't take her long," I soothed. "Alice is very good at sneaking cars."

"Stealing?" Bella asked, wide-eyed.

"Shall I call a cab?" I joked as I squinted at the rising sun through my sunglasses. "Can I have your jacket, Bella?"

She looked at me confused for only a minute before realizing it wasn't because I was cold. She slipped it off and I was amazed at her need to layer up long sleeves. I wasn't a fan of her jacket, not even a litte bit, and I wished I had packed a bag. I'd return the jacket the minute I got a chance to go through Alice's bag.

Sure enough, she pulled up in a bright yellow porshe and a new scarf wrapped nicely around her hair, shielding her face from the sun. Bella gawked at the flashy vehivle as we jumped in, me sliding in the passenger seat and her throwing herself into the back as Alice raced down the street. I snatched Alice's bag and was disappointed to find no other clothing items except another pair of sunglasses. I huffed as I settled back into the seat, trying to ignore the fact that we were literally racing against time.


It was nearly an hour later when we finally made it to the edge of the city, and I held my breath as I saw how busy the roads leading into the gate were. I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Bella, what day is it?" Alice asked as she faded in and out of focus.

"The...nineteenth?" Bella sounded unsure.

Alice hit her hand against the steering wheel, "Of course he chose today! St. Marcus' day."

She zoned back out, which should have been alarming considering she was the driver of the incredibly fast sports car she was weaving in and out of cars, but I wasn't the least bit concered.

"What's St. Marcus' day?" Bella asked.

I turned around in my seat to look at her, "The biggest celebrated holiday in Voltura. Marcus is one of the Volturi, one of the oldest vampires around - and by default the most powerful. There was a time when vampires ruled the city - terrorizing everyone. Marcus put an end to it. He drove all the vampires out, and for the most part they never came back. But little do all these rejoicing people know: Vampires are still living in the cities walls."

She was quiet, no doubt trying to take everything in. Alice had explained the Volturi to her on the plane, and the rules that were enforced. Nothing had been explained to her before, and I wondered how it was that she was destined to be one of us if Edward was so adamant about her not being involved in our life.

"He's going to reveal himself in the sunlight." Alice gasped out as we painfully slowed down from the traffic. "He's going to wait until noon, when the sun is highest and the plaza is full."

I squeezed the edge of my seat hard enough for my nails to poke through the leather covers. Noon wasn't enough time to get to him, not for Bella at least. Alice jerked the car through the gates and came to a screeching stop when she realized we could go no farther. Bella leaned forward in her seat as Alice turned to look at us.

"Bella you're the only one who can get to him without him knowing you're coming...." Alice looked at me. "And without two vampires being exposed today."

Bella threw her door open, wringing her hands together nervously as she repeated Alice's directions over and over. I could see the clock tower from here. There was no way she could make it in time, not with the crowd so thick. I sat anxiously as Bella took off, and Alice watched the future to see if it was going to work or not. She jumped in her seat and gasped to loudly it scared me, her eyes were wide. I didn't need to ask what she saw.

There wasn't enough time.

Hesitantly, I opened my mind to her, showing her my choice and where it would leave us. She came to quickly, and her face was twisted into a reluctant look of disapproval.


"Will it work?" I asked.

"You can't-"

"Will. It. Work." I repeated.

"Yes, but Corinna you'll be seen- They won't spare you!" She pleaded with me.

I took her hands in mine, "Alice, I want to be in this family. I want to be one of you, but I know that Edward and Bella mean so much more than I ever will to you guys, okay? Let me save your brother."

She shook her head furiously, opening her mouth to argue against my words.

"Alice," I squeezed her hand. "I understand now that it was never going to work with him and I, but that love I felt was real - and the love he and Bella have is so much more than anything that could have been with us. I want to do this."

She looked as if she would cry if she was able to; Something I had never seen in Alice before.

"You are family, Corinna. This wasn't your fault." She pleaded.

I looked over the swarm of the crowd, still able to see the top of Bella's head weaving around wildly. She wasn't going to make it. As I watched her run painfully slow to save the love of her life, I saw a woman's long red cloak ripple in the wind before it slipped off her shoulders entirely, getting swept up above the crowd as she jumped for it. Alice saw it, too, but in her vision.

"It'll work." Was all I heard her whisper before I took off into the crowd, grabbing the cloak and pulled the hood up over my head, leaving the girl astonished; Because of her disappearing cape and not a sparkling super speed vampire running around her. I shut off my thoughts, running full speed for the clock tower just as Edward's shirt hit the ground.

He didn't see me coming as I slammed into him, sending us both back flying into the shadows as a little girl tugged on her mother's sleeve. When they turned to the alley we were already out of sight. Edward stumbled to his feet in shock, staring at me. It wasn't until I looked up and my hood fell back that he realized what had happened. He turned back to the sunlight, intent on finishing what he had started. I grabbed his arm so roughly I could have sworn I heard the cracking of the marble like skin beneath his shoulder. He fought against me as I pulled him back harder, waiting for Bella to just catch up and put an end to all of this.

"Let me go!" He snarled. "I need this!"

"No you don't!" I yelled back, panting as I tried to keep him away from the alleyway opening. I opened my mind to him and watched him falter for half a second before he ripped his arm away from me. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"This isn't going to work, Corinna! I don't want you!" He croaked out, his voice weak. He looked like he hadn't fed in weeks.

"Killing yourself wouldn't fix anything!" I said through clenched teeth as I slammed him against the back wall.

"I can't live like this!" He cried out. "Not without her!"

"She isn't dead!" I screamed, but he wouldn't listen. "You're going to throw everything away for her? Your life? Your FAMILY? You told her you didn't want her a few months ago! Even if she was dead, she was going to die eventually. You could-"

"What? Find someone else?" He laughed bitterly as I held him by the throat.

"You won't even turn her! Why are you doing this?" I asked breathlessly.

"I love her! Her! Not-" He hesitated and I let down my guard, thinking he was giving up. He kicked my knee and threw me backwards.

The force of my body being thrown by him left a large crack down the alleyway floor. I coughed as my whole body felt like I had been hit by a train. I groaned as he stepped forwards to the light. I felt helpless.

"I love her. You can't save me, Corinna. I don't want you, I want her."

I yelled out again as he stepped into the light...

...just as Bella flung herself into him, shielding him from the sun.

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