chapter 1: what do you know about my life???.

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Naruto and Sasuke were about to face off against each other and just as Sasuke was getting ready to use his chidori to finish naruto off for good and kill him. Naruto said the one thing that shocked him the most.

"Go ahead Sasuke. Do it.
Use that technique that kakashi Sensei told you was to protect others and not on a comrade of the hidden leaf village. Kill me and get that power your so desperate to have. But know this Sasuke Uchiha.... I'm not afraid to die. Because in the end of it all.... I'd rather die by your hands then someone else.
Kill me and end my suffering."

And Sasuke said.

"What the hell are you talking about loser???. Why are you of all people so desperate to die!!??. What do you know about suffering that I never have!!??. I've lost everything to Itachi!!!. My clan,my parents, my entire family!!!."

And naruto said.

"At least you still had a family to go back to after least you had parents and a brother who loved and cared about you!!!.
I had none of that growing up!!!. You don't know anything about me. YOU. Who's had everything handed to him without working for it a single day in his life. You who's always been favored by everyone including kakashi Sensei!!!.
YOU. Who is always good at everything because you had someone to teach you!!!.
And what about me your wondering???. Me. Who's never given up on anything or anyone???. Me. who is always happy go lucky.
Obviously you don't know what a shinobi's greatest weapon is do you???. It's deception. I act that way so people don't see what lyes behind the fake mask of emotion i use every day of my life. Have you ever been hated because of something that you knew nothing about??. Something your supposed to be seen as a hero for containing???. Something your own parents sacrificed themselves to save you from???. And then have their last wishes stomped all over and your lied to by the very person you trusted most. The third hokage...was a liar and a decieving old man. He lied to both you and me Sasuke."

And Sasuke said.

"Your not making any sense here!!. What are you talking about???. What so important that you contain that you were supposed to be treated like a hero for???. What makes you different from me???. You have no clan, no family, no real friends!!!. So what makes you think that you deserve to die by my own hands!!!."

And naruto said.

"What makes me different???. I'll tell you what makes me different from you and your so called suffering.
Try having your own parents die the night you were born.
Try being hated and ridiculed for containing the kyuubi!!!. Try swapping places with me by going back in time and living my life and I'll live yours!!!. Then tell me what REAL suffering is!!!.
You want that final level of the sharingan so badly. Then here I am. Kill me and once again get what you want. Just like you always have."

And Sasuke thought to himself.

"Is everything that he's telling me true!!!. Could he really be desperate to die because he's just the container of the kyuubi!!??. I thought the fourth Hokage killed it!!!. But then that would mean that!!!.
No!!!. It's not possible!!!. He can't be can he!!!. The night of the kyuubi attack. His birthday. Their the same thing!!!. He's the fourth Hokage's son!!!. Which means that kakashi Sensei knew as well!!!."

Sasuke then said.

"I'm not going to kill you naruto!!!. I've come to my senses. I now realize who you are. Your the son of the fourth Hokage minato namikaze aren't you!!??.
Your birthday and the night of the kyuubi's attack on the village are the same. The same night you were born was the same night the fourth Hokage defeated the kyuubi. It makes sense. Your an exact look alike of the fourth Hokage. I should have seen it the moment you summoned that giant toad.
Only two other people could do that. Jiraiya of the sannin and the fourth Hokage. And now you. that jutsu of yours.
The rasengan. It's one of the jutsu that The fourth Hokage created himself. Isn't it???."

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