chapter 3:a shocking Revelation. naruto's heritage revealed.

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When hinata's father found the letter that naruto had left for her and Hinata read it to him he felt like he had failed as minato and Kushina's friends. Naruto left because he felt unappreciated by the village. It didn't make things any better when Sasuke had told tsunade and jiraiya that naruto left the village to find a place to be appreciated. Little did they know that naruto didn't leave any place specific or name where he was going. This enraged tsunade more then anything.
How were they supposed to find him without any clue as to where he was heading!!!.

Hinata then showed the letter to Tsunade and said.

"What exactly is the island farthest South from water and fire country lady tsunade???. What could be there that naruto wouldn't tell me about???."

Tsunade just sighed and said.

"Jiraiya. I think we should tell everyone the truth about who naruto's parents were.
Apparently nobody still believes Sasuke after he almost succeeded in going to orochimaru. Hinata. There's something that you need to know about naruto."

And Hinata said.

"I already know the answer.
He contains the nine tails doesn't he???. I've always known because I have the Byakugan remember???.
It let's me see a person's chakra pathways and type of chakra they have. But I'm curious. Why does naruto-kun look so much like the fourth Hokage???. The resemblance is uncanny."

And jiraiya said.

"Because the fourth Hokage was my best student and naruto's father. His mother was Kushina uzumaki. One of the best shinobi Kenjutsu users konoha ever had and the host of the nine tails before naruto. And before her...was tsunade's grandmother Mito uzumaki.
You could say that for naruto's clan... containing the nine tails is like a right of passage. Because of the toxicity of the nine tails chakra any other person who contains it would die in seconds. The uzumaki clan have an unusually large chakra pool and longer than average life span. By the time naruto is in his 30's he'd still look like he was 21. What do you think we should do tsunade???. Should we send a team of gennin after him???."

And tsunade said.

"I've already sent a team of anbu with kakashi to find him and so far no one has reported back to me if they have found any sign of him.
DAMN IT!!!. How is he able to cover his track's so damn well!!??. There's no way he's that smart!!!."

Hinata then giggles and said.

"There's a reason nobody's ever caught naruto after one of his pranks lady hokage."

And tsunade said.

"What are you talking about Hinata???. How is it that you know so much about naruto???."

And Hinata said.

"I've followed naruto around the village ever since we were children from the shadows. If anyone could find him it's me or iruka Sensei. Naruto knows your sending kakashi Sensei to find him with a group of anbu. He's very good at hiding from people and your not going to be able to find him unless he wants to be found. There was a heavy rain shower last night. More then likely any traces of his scent or footprints would be erased from any main roads or tree branches by now. And he wouldn't start a camp fire out in the open revealing his position. Naruto-kun specializes in two things.
Stealth...and traps. So even if they caught up to him by now he's already thought ahead and placed trap's everywhere. Face it.. he's not coming back. You people did this to yourselves. Tell the village the truth or don't but I'm leaving the hidden leaf village to be with naruto-kun!!!. I resign from shinobi service and denounce the hyuga clan name. Which means I have no connection to the hidden leaf village or fire country any longer.

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