chapter 2: naruto's decision. hinata's resolve.

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Naruto was leaving a note for Hinata in her mailbox for her to find when she woke up the next morning. In the note he wrote a message that said.

"Dear hinata-chan.
I'm sorry for not telling you in person because I realized now how much I mean to you. You have always stood by me. Even when others never would. In the envelope with this letter is a map of the elemental nations.

If you wish to find me go to the island farthest South between water and fire country

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If you wish to find me go to the island farthest South between water and fire country. There you find an island surrounded by whirlpools. If you want to join me it would make me happy.
But if you want to stay with konoha i will understand.

Your's always.

Naruto uzumaki namikaze."

Naruto then left before the sun could rise and the gates closed. Naruto saw izumo and kotetsu sleeping on the job again and realized that sneaking out and getting away would be easier then he thought it would be.
Naruto then took one look back at the village he once called home and said.

"Good bye everyone. Thanks.
For everything and nothing at the same time. I'm sure you will be better without me."

Tsunade and shizune would go to the hospital the next morning only to find out that naruto was already gone.
The worst part of it is not even jiraiya would be able to find him with the toad summoning contract because he cancelled his ties with it that very night. Much to the youngest toad gamakichi's disappointment. All he said to gamakichi was.

"It's been nice knowing you and the chief toad gamakichi.
But if you wanna blame someone. Blame jiraiya and tsunade. Inform the slug's of this as well. I think they should at least be made aware of how tsunade neglected me growing up."

And gamakichi said.

"Well naruto...I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
It's been fun. A shame really.
Pops was beginning to think you could be the next toad sage and child of prophecy.
But I guess all that was just a load of crap wasn't it???."

And naruto said.

"Don't believe everything your told gamakichi. Because some prophecies are nothing more then predictions and half truth's. The rest are all lies. I was never destined for greatness and I never will be.
Good bye my friend."

Gamakichi then rolled out the toad summoning contract and going through hand seals cancelled naruto's blood pact with the roads. Naruto then began his journey to a new place and a new life away from the hidden leaf village but close enough to know what's happening with it.
By the time everyone would wake up the next day Naruto would be long gone. But one thing was certain. Once tsunade reveals naruto's heritage to the village. All hell would break loose.

Kurama then said.

"Are you certain you want to do this Naruto???. Think about all the people who your going to be hurting if you do.
Could you actually live with something like that every day for the rest of your life???."

And Naruto said.

"Let's just get away from here kurama. Before i start changing my mind. I have no real family around here. Or anywhere else.
The farther away from here the better."

Kurama wasn't a fool. He knew that Naruto was feeling a small amount of regret for what he was doing. But he didn't care.
Why should he if nobody else even bothered to truly care about him.
Sasuke was on his way home when he saw Naruto leave the front of the hyuga clan compound and decided to follow him only to see that he was about to do what he almost did the day before. Naruto was about to leave the village and never return.
Even though his reasons may have been different he wasn't going to let Naruto leave without a fight.

Sasuke then approached him and said.

"And here I thought that I was being selfish and greedy. What you are doing is just plain hurtful and you know it. You saved me from myself. And I'm going to do the same for you Naruto. Even if I have to die trying."

And Naruto said.

"Are you really certain your able to do that sasuke???. Could you really stop me even if I didn't use the nine tails chakra???. If you want to fight me. Then Be prepared to kill me. Because that's the only way you will succeed. I have no real family here. My own godparents abandoned me when i was born after my parents deaths. Everyone just love's you the last uchiha sasuke sama. It makes me sick every time I hear people call you that!!!. It's always sasuke did this sasuke sama achieved that uchiha sasuke is the greatest because he survived the massacre of his clan. You didn't survive sasuke. Your brother spared your pathetic life because he loved you too much to kill you. You may be smart,strong,talented and popular. You may think having those eyes of yours make you feel special. Perhaps your right perhaps your wrong. But the one thing that you will never understand that made me hard work and dedication. But none of that even mattered to kakashi sensei did it???. DID IT MATTER TO HIM AT ALL!!??. Stand there and tell me I'm wrong!!!. Because you know full well that I'm right!!!."

And sasuke said.

"No..Your not wrong about kakashi playing favorites between us. And personally. I hated him for it. You and sakura deserved more training then me. It wasn't his fault. The council pressured him into only training me so you would fail and give up as a shinobi. He never wanted to but was ordered to anyway. I've already informed everyone about who your parents were and what you contain. If you stay...You will have the respect you deserve. But if you leave...Your going to be hunted down along with anybody else who's joined you. So what are you going to choose???. Fight???.
Or stay and seek help???."

And Naruto said.

"Hmph. Your one to talk about seeking help uchiha. At least you had a clan and a family to call your own. At least you have a bloodline that makes you special. All I a giant Fox sealed inside of me that everyone compares me to. Either kill me now or go home. There is nothing left for me here. No hopes no dreams. Just hatred."

Naruto then starts walking towards the gate when suddenly he heard sasuke rushing after him with his chidori. Naruto then grabbed sasuke's wrist and twisted it to where the bone was dislocated. Naruto then got behind sasuke and chopped him in the back of his neck knocking him out cold.
Sasuke had failed his friend. And now he knew how Naruto had always felt his entire life. Alone. Miserable. And never once accepted by others. Naruto and sasuke's roles had just been reversed and he knew it.
But like Naruto. He wasn't going to give up that easily. The question was. Would Naruto want to come back at all???. And if he did. What would be different about him that made him come back to begin with???.

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