Chapter 14

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Cat and I walked the boards, enjoying the warm sun on our back and the cool ice cream in our mouths. I look down at her and she smiles up at me.

"What?" I ask, unable to keep the grin from spreading across my lips.

Cat shrugs. Her smile holds a secret she appears to be enjoying and she planning on keeping it to herself for the moment.

"Whaat?" I prod.

"Nothing. I just think you're cute is all."

"Thanks, you're pretty cute yourself." I look back over at her and a question that's been needling me for a while pops into my head. "You ever wonder what the baby would look like if, you know ... it was our baby?"

"Peanut is our baby," Cat corrected.

"I know," I say, taking the finished cones and throwing them away in the trash, "but you know what I mean. If you and I ... biologically ..."


I turn back to her. "Really?"

"Sure, haven't you?"

"Yeah," I tell her, "but to be honest, she always ends up like a little version of you."

"You picture us having a girl?" I watch as color flushes her cheeks and I wonder what I may have said to bring on this delightful blush.

"Yes, why?"

Again with the secretive smile. Cat shakes her head no, telling me she refuses to tell, but I persist. "You think about it too, don't you? Us... having a child together." She side glances at me, but she's not saying a word.

I stare straight ahead and grin. "If you were up to it. I would love to have several children with you. I'd love a big family."

Cat stopped walking. So I did as well. I found her shocked expression amusing. It's rare that can I stun Cat into silence.

"Why are you so surprised? I grew up in a loveless home with parents that disapproved of me. I had a brother who for most of his existence resented me. Just spending this short amount of time with your family... being a part of it has shown me what I've missed out on."

Cat scoffs with an unladylike snort. "Puhlease, we are not the example you should strive for. My family has an entire closet full of problems. Don't let this one day fool you into thinking we're this perfect shining example of what a family should be."

"No family is perfect, Cat, but I've experienced enough of what not to do that I think I'd be a pretty great husband and father if given the chance."

Cat grinned at me. "You're not expecting me to disagree with you, are you?" She holds up her hand with the engagement ring and wiggles her fingers. "I didn't say yes just because you're gorgeous, you know. Although, it really didn't hurt your chances."

I laugh and shake my head at her, before reaching out and pulling her close by her waist. "If you find me that attractive, then the idea of having babies with me should be even more appealing. We already know we'd have fun with the trying part," I taunt and something flashes in her eye that curls my toes. Damn, how does she do that with just a look!

But all too soon Cat gets serious on me again and she actually tries to push me away a little. I can't say it didn't hurt. She's been doing it to me a lot lately. She's afraid of something. I just wish I could figure out what.

"Look, I appreciate the mental image, really I do, but let me figure out what kind of Mom I'll be before we fill a house with kids, okay?"

I didn't get it. My face tensed as I frowned. "Cat? Do you really think you'll be a terrible mom?"

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