Security cameras

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"You're right, he wouldn't. I'm sorry... SORRY FOR YOUR ATTITU-" The door opened faster than lightning and people came through the door with some sort of bed-like thing, most likely to transport Yanan in meaning the ambulance was already hear. Jinho stood at the doorframe and motioned for you and Wooseok to come over "What was all that about?" Jinho brushed a hand through his hair and sighed, probably already frustrated about this whole situation. "I'll pay you if you don't tell him."

"No need, I have security cameras in there because Shinwon likes to come In and steal my clothes, I could easily check them. I'll give you 5 seconds to tell me or I check them in front of both of you." None of you spoke for the whole 5 seconds he gave you. He actually gave you about 10 seconds but that wasn't enough because you and Wooseok were not prepared for him dragging you both by the ear to his computer and forcing you both to sit down, you on the right, Wooseok on the left.

He turned on his computer, logged in and opened up the app for the security cameras, scrolling back a few minutes. He stopped scrolling and played it from when he left the room. "I swear to god Wooseok if you're arguing with her over which type of ice cream is better I'm kicking you both into space, we don't need the exact same argument that occurred with you and Hongseok last week.

The footage was silent and it was just the 2 of you sitting with Yanan, Wooseok was crossing his arms and you looked as if you were about to cry for the 10000th time that day. Wooseok finally spoke in the clip and Jinho turned up the volume more to hear it a bit better.

"He won't make it you know. If he doesn't die of blood loss he'll die of hypothermia and if that isn't enough then he'll probably just stop breathing in general or go into some sort of coma. Besides, if he does recover he won't be useful, he won't be able to ride and he can't do any other act. Of course he'll stay in the circus because as Jinho said, he's like a little brother to us and it would be horrible to leave him."

Jinho paused it "Well that was a bit harsh but theres nothing too bad about this. Is this what you were arguing about? Yanan not being able to perform?" You ignored him and pressed the space button on his computer to keep it playing. "Keep listening" you told him and Wooseok's voice continued on screen.

 "The thing is... I have a feeling if he can't recover even though we want him, we don't need him."

Then after that your voice played "I- How could you? You might not need him but I need him, he's important, he's possibly the most amazing person I've ever met. He's the sun among the many shadows and moons of this circus and you guys ALL need him otherwise the circus will loose its light and fall into a deep dark depression of nothing but shadows with just a few dim stars here and there." then Wooseok again "How on earth is Yanan the sun? Hui's the most talented, he's the ring master."

It all came back to you even though it was just a few minutes ago. You knew exactly what you said next off by heart "You know what Wooseok? I really want to slap you across the face right now." in the video Wooseok grinned a bit and stood up from his seat, towering over you "I dare you. Right in front of Yanan, would he want you to hit me?" Jinho paused the video again and turned to you "Y/N, did you hit him?" you shook your head. He sighed, but not in a good way. Jinho stood up and walked into the middle of the room "Wooseok, come here, you're not in trouble. Y/N, stay there." Wooseok walked over to Jinho and stood in front of him. "Kneel down." Wooseok stupidly did as Jinho said and ended up being shorter than him.

"Now, in the video you said 'Would Yanan want you to hit me?' and she never hit you. Truth is Yanan would want her to hit you for saying such things about him, and he'd get a good laugh out of it too. Now, I won't tell Hui what you said but I'm very mad at you. Got it? You actually deserved that slap in the face for talking behind Yanan's back when he's in a state like this, don't you?" Wooseok shook his head "Well it wasn't my-"

Jinho shouted over him "DON'T YOU, Wooseok?!" Wooseok looked still shook his head anyway and gave Jinho a death glare. "Last chance Wooseok."

"I don't, I DON'T. YANAN IS TALENTLESS, THERE I SAID IT! F-" Jinho's facial expression quickly changed as he rapidly pulled his hand back and punched Wooseok in the nose, sending him backwards and causing him to hit his head on one of the leg of a table. Jinho opened his door and left it open while Wooseok clenched his nose and walked towards Jinho, clearly about to get into a physical fight with him.

Wooseok came towards Jinho and jumped towards him, about to punch him but Jinho moved away leaving Wooseok about to fall out of the caravan door that Jinho left open, balancing on the edge. Wooseok was going to turn around but Jinho kicked him out of the door and he fell down the steps. Once Wooseok fell Jinho quickly slammed the door shut and locked it "And now he'll probably go to Yuto to complain. Little does he know that Yuto's sick of him."

Jinho walked back towards you and turned off his computer "I'm sorry you had to see that happen, that boy just gets on my nerves sometimes and if it isn't him it'll be Kino. Why is Yuto the only one of the youngest members that actually behave?" he face palmed. Wooseok started to bang on Jinho's door from outside and shout threats "He'll go away eventually, he always does."

"I thought you said he was going to Yuto's?"

"Oh yeah I should probably text Yuto and warn him to lock his door and pretend he's out if he doesn't want a visit from an angry Wooseok. Then again, if he doesn't go to Yuto he'll go to Hongseok and most of the time Hongseok tolerates him but gets all mad the day after." He put on a fake smile and tried his best to ignore Wooseok at the door "Would you like some tea doll?"

You nodded and he went to Boyle the kettle. As of right now, you have no idea if Jinho is nice or scary. Like, he's only about 5'5 or 5'6 and he managed to practically beat up a 6'2 guy.

A few minutes later

Jinho came back with 2 cups of tea, one for you and one for him. He handed you a cup of tea and you thanked him "Thank you" this time he smiled again but it didn't look fake "No need to thank me. But it's boiling hot you might want to wait until it cools down a bit. And... Just to let you know, Wooseok usually likes to hang around outside for a while or come back to get revenge. It'd be safer to stay here for a while until he's gone fo sure then I can escort you to you and Yanan's caravan... Orrrr you could sleep here, I have a blow up bed that you could use. I usually let the guys sleep with me when they're scared during the night, some of them think their caravan is haunted and are scared of ghosts cough mainly Yuto cough but I can't really do that with you because 1. I don't know you that well yet and 2. I'm pretty sure its against the law because you're a 16 year old girl and I'm a 20 year old man-"

"GEEEEZZZZZ You're twenty? You look so young." He chuckled to himself "Didn't they tell you I'm the oldest? And are you saying twenty's old? I was literally a teenager last year. Anyway, what do you want to do? Do you want to stay here tonight or do you want me to drive you home later? We could call 2 more people over so that it isn't as awkward. Anyway, I have dogs."

"I haven't seen your dogs all day though and I've been here for ages."

"I put them in the Bathroom because Wooseok's allergic to dogs. The Dalmatian is called Spot and the German shepherd is called Alphie. Do you wanna see them?" "Yes but you can't just lock two big dogs in a bathroom."

"They have enough space to sleep, its fine." He walked towards the bathroom door and opened it. Alphie and Spot came running out. Spot started to jump all over you but Alphie only cared about Jinho "Anyway, what do you want to do?"

A.) Sleepover with just Jinho and the dogs.

B.) Go home later.

C.) Sleep over but invite two people of your choice BUT NOT Wooseok or Yanan obviously (You get to pick them as long as it isn't them)

A/N - Btw the first pentagon MV I watched was Shine but the one that got me into the fandom was Humph and when I watched it I was like "Awww he's so cute." so I googled his name and it was Wooseok and he's the Maknae. So I learnt everyones names at first (Apart from Kino because it took me a whole week to remember his name) THEN I found out Wooseok was 6'2 and I was sort of scared of him even though I knew he couldn't hurt me through the screen.

Nowadays I laugh at myself in the past because I know Wooseok wouldn't dare to hurt anyone physically. I love Wooseok he's such a big baby. Ngl though he's one of the most chaotic maknaes I've ever seen XD pentagon are such crackheads but I love it.

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