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"Umm... I guess we could sing 'The way I am' by Charlie Puth."

'Is she Jinho's girlfriend?' - Creamher0es

"No, she's my child." Jinho positioned his fingers on the right keys to begin playing "Ready Y/N? You're starting first." He cleared his throat and handed you a microphone "Me?! Why me-" The music blasted on extremely loud and Hongseok quickly ran to lower the volume to save everyone from the ear-rape. Once the music came to your part and the normal volume you began to sing. (Left is you, right is Jinho)

"Maybe imma get a little anxious, maybe imma get a little shy. 'Cause everybody's trying to be famous and I'm just tryna find a place to hide~"

"All I wanna do is just hold somebody but no one really wants to get to know somebody."

"I don't even know how to explain this, I don't even think that I can try."

"And thats okay, I promise myself one day~"

"Imma tell 'em all, imma tell 'em all that you could either hate me or love me but that's just the way I am."

"Imma tell 'em all, imma tell 'em all that you could either hate me or love me but that's just th- OH! Sorry guys, my phone is ringing, it's from the hospital. I'm- I'll livestream later, bye."

Jinho ended the livestream and ran into his room to take the call. Hongseok moved right next to you and handed you a tissue in advance "If this is about Yanan we're 100% all going to have a crying match so you'll need a tissue. Poor Hui... He'll be heartbroken as well. Everyone will.

Approximately 20 minutes later

Jinho slowly walked back into the room with an upset facial expression "Guys... I just took 2 phone calls one after the other. I have good news from the hospital and terribly bad news from Hui... I'll tell you the good news first."

Jinho closed his eyes and took a huge breath and exhaled "The good news is... Yanan's awake."

You and Hongseok started to jump around the couches in joy. Yanan made it, he actually made it. Hongseok grabbed your hands and started to spin you around in circles with him sort of like a faster version of ring o' ring of roses while grinning with glee "HE DID IT! Y/N, YANAN MADE IT!"

"BUT! I have 2 bad news as well. I'll start with the less upsetting one. Basically Changgu got himself arrested AGAIN for breaking an entry. You know how it is, he was stealing this guys pony because he was selling her for slaughter. We have the pony, Hui took it and RAN but Changgu saw a cute husky dog in the guys house and yeah... You can probably guess what he did next and how he got caught and arrested. He should've killed the guy BEFORE stealing the animals. Now the police know that someone stole the dudes pony and they're probably looking for it, hopefully it isn't chipped."

Hongseok started to giggle meanwhile you didn't even know who this Changgu is. "Serves him right for doing things wrong. We're going to have to break him out of there before we head to Canada next week."

"CANADA? Next week?! What about Yanan? We can't leave him in the hospital! And I can't drive. AND WHO'S CHANGGU?!"

"Yeo one, Changgu is Yeo One. I can't believe you never knew his real name."

"Wait... His real name isn't Yeo One?"

"Nope. Anyway, if Yanan isn't better by next week then we'll go to Toronto, Canada but one of us will stay here then we'll all meet up in Vancouver before going on vacation in Alaska. Kino will teach you how to drive. But are you two ready for the bad BAD news or not?"

"Wooseok went missing and we need to split into 3 groups. Group one go looking for Wooseok, group 2 break Changgu out of prison and group 3 visit Yanan at the hospital. Which group are you two going into?" Jinho asked and Hongseok replied quickly "I'm group 1. We can't have Wooseok missing, that's terrible."

A.) Group 1. Even though Wooseok had an argument with you and Jinho he's still an important part of the circus.

B.) Group 2. Yanan will be safe in the hospital and Wooseok will be able to find his way back. It's impossible to get yourself out of prison.

C.) Group 3 because you're glad Yanan is alive and want to see him again and how he's recovered.

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