Part 2: Becoming a fan of the Black Mamba

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As far as I remember, Kobe Bryant is the name that I said when a classmate of mine asked me who is my favorite basketball player in the NBA. It was the first time that I've experienced to say anything about Kobe, and it is in the year 2005 or 2006. 

During those times, I rarely watch basketball, but I am familiar with some NBA players. Kobe Bryant is one of the reasons why I started to like basketball because of his fierce persona on the court and his hard-work in anything that he does. 

Fast forward to the year 2017, our English Instructor gave us a graded activity in which we are tasked to do an imitated speech, where we need to deliver a speech that was already said by someone, and we need to compliment the speech by wearing a similar clothing that was worn by the original person who delivered the speech.

As I was thinking of someone that I will impersonate, there is only one person that came into my mind, and it was none other than the "Black Mamba", Kobe Bryant.

I was thinking of impersonating Kobe during his speech after his final NBA game in 2016 against the Utah Jazz, where he dropped 60 points.

I've finally decided to impersonate him (Kobe), I've watched the video over and over again to mimic the gestures of Kobe and for me to make a transcript of Kobe's retirement speech. 

I was able to deliver the speech well during the day of our presentation and I've worn a Lakers jersey, basketball shorts, and basketball shoes. 

I received a good grade from our English Instructor and I also received some claps from my classmates, they also shout "Kobeee!!" after my performance. 

These are the moments that I will always remember that I've related Kobe in my life. Also, I will always cherish the moment that I became a fan of the Black Mamba. 

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