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L i l y R o s e

Harry slurped at his tea slowly, but as soon as he finished he had practically forced me to stop cleaning his kitchen as he insisted that he should be the one to clean the mess of his own party. He had told me to run upstairs and look through his drawers for something to sleep in and so I did.

The metal of the door handle was cold against my palm as I grasped it. I paused; this room held so many memories and I needed a moment before going in.

Realising I was being pathetic and that it was just a room, I walked in. The light shade of grey on the walls was the exact same as it used to be, and the stain on the carpet from when I spilt red wine was faded but still visible. His bed was unmade and I resisted the urge to fold the white linen to where it should've been placed when he woke up this morning. He always liked to make a mess.

Shaking my head, I walked over to the drawers where various items of clothing trailed up to. I dug deep in the piles of boxer shorts to try and find some sort of joggers, but instead my eyes landed on pink, frilly fabric. For a moment, my heart stopped beating at the thought of him having another girl here, but who was I to get jealous? I was the one who broke up with him after all.

My investigation was soon over as I pulled out the item of clothing: my old pyjama shorts. I think the gods were on my side that night - I loved those shorts more than anything and I thought I'd thrown them out. Nope, Harry has them stashed away in his underwear drawers. Well... I say stashed, but he probably just didn't notice I'd left them. Sadly, I couldn't find the matching top, but I was happy enough settling with one of Harry's white cotton t-shirt's.

After quickly stealing a pair of white ankle socks that came up much higher on my legs than they should have, I hurried back downstairs.

"You found your frilly shorts, I see." Harry chuckled as I walked through the door into his lounge. The fire was crackling as he was sat in front of it, and the rug beneath him was soft champagne colour. It was beyond cosy. The television was playing quietly behind the sofa, creating a low background noise.

I gathered the glass of ice cold water that he had gotten me in my hands before taking a seat on the black sofa diagonally across from him. The room was pretty dark but I could still make out the green of his eyes and olive skin tone. Speaking softly, I replied, "Yes - I've been looking for them for ages!"

He smiled at me, but there was an awkward tension due to what had happened earlier. The room was silent apart from the tapping of my finger and Harry's constant ruffling of his hair.

"Listen," his voice was raspy and it broke slightly at the end of the word, "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean what I said. You know I know why you did... what you did. I'm sorry, Lil."

Nodding, I sighed, "I'm sorry too, H. Wine makes me feisty."

"Anyway," he shook his head, signalling that he wanted us to move on from the topic, "what do you fancy doing? We can watch a film, or if you're tired I can show you up to the room?"

"H, I'm sorry to be boring but I'm honestly exhausted. Would you mind if I got some sleep?"

"No, of course not!" he lazily jumped up from his spot on the floor before leading me out of the lounge and up the laminate staircase.

The room I was staying in was located directly across from Harry's room. When he opened the door, it was beautifully decorated with white sheets and retro pictures, and the dim lighting made it look magical.

Harry places two towels on the end of the bed and left a black hoodie that I recognised as his on top, "It gets cold in the mornings." I smiled gratefully at him and sat down on the bed, while he stood at the end of it, "If you need anything, just let me know or help yourself."

"Thank you, Haz. For tonight too; I had a really nice night. It was great seeing everybody."

He grinned and sat down next to me, instantly making me feel 10x warmer.

"It was my pleasure." he wrapped one arm around me and gave me a short hug from the side, "Goodnight, Lil."

"Night." I managed to mutter before I fell asleep - my eyes shut as soon as my head hit the pillow. However, through my unconscious state, I heard the bedroom door shut and a deep chuckle.

That night I slept like a baby. The exhaustion from my racing mind and racing heart was enough to send me into a deep sleep for a least a week straight. Sleeping in this apartment again was weird, yet it was the most comforting and homely place that I had ever been in; I had lived here for two years before the breakup, after all.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early. Golden sunlight crept through the cream shutters covering the window, and I sighed contently as I buried my face into the pillow beside me.

Harry was right - it was freezing in the morning. Slowly reaching over to the end of the bed, I grasped the hoodie in my icy hands and pulled it over my head... much better.

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