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Thirteen: Hey Lance I have another singing dare for you.

Lance: What do I have to sing?

Thirteen: Despacito.

Lance: Cool.

Lance and Thirteen walked back into the room.

Thirteen: Ok Lance is going to sing for us.

Hunk: What's he singing?

Thirteen: Despacito.

Shiro: Really do you know how bad that song actually is.

Lance: So I'm pretty sure only you, me and the lions and maybe Hunk can translate it fully.

Allura: Lance what do you mean translate it fully?

Pidge: Despacito isn't in English it's Spanish Allura meaning majority of us won't be able to understand it.

Thirteen: Lance please, if you would like to sing.

Lance: Ah yes.

Lance sings Despacito and just to mess with Shiro looks at Pidge while singing it.

Coran: Wow Lance how can you sing that so well did you spend time learning the songs back on Earth.

Lance: Yeah, I learnt the song however with Spanish being my first language it was easier than you would think.

Matt: Is that why Shiro always had to mark you work because none of us could understand what you would put.

Lance: Yeah I'm really smart I just can't get it all out in English.

Pidge: Allura can I mess with the suits so that they work for our first language but we can all understand what the others are saying.

Coran: That sounds like a great idea number 5. I would like to help you with that and I'm going to guess that English is none of your first language.

Keith: No I don't think so. What actually are our first languages?

Thirteen: We can talk about that in a later one for now that is it.

Thanks for reading~Thirteen

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