Feeling Guilty

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"Jake, are you okay?" Skully asked me.

"I'm fine. Just worried about Izzy. This is all of my fault that she got rushed back into surgery." I exclaimed, as I put both of my legs together with my hands in between my legs.

"Jake, it's not your fault." Skully says.

"Yes it is Skully. If I didn't yell at her, then her stitches wouldn't have became apart." I exclaimed.

"But Jake, she yelled back at you because you yelled at her first. And then you two started to just yell at each other." Skully exclaimed.

"I know Skully. I think I know how an argument works." I say, with a slight grin.

"I was surprised to see you two argue or for you to even yell at her." Cubby exclaimed. I know, that is so unlike me, so unlike her, and especially, so unlike US.

"It's so unlike us to argue. I yelled at her because I was worried that she wouldn't tell us what her symptoms were and that she knew that she was going to faint, that's why I yelled at her." I exclaimed. Now that I regret that. I should've just used a calm tone on her.

"I can see why but it's good thing you were with her when she fainted, and that YOU noticed that she was still ill even when she wouldn't admit it but how did you know that she was still ill and in pain? While she looked perfectly fine to me." Cubby exclaimed, as it is a good thing that I was right next to her when she fainted, I could see her eyes rolling into the back of her head. She was starting to look pale. She put her hand on her head as I knew she was having an headache and she was also trying to catch up to her breath. It's good thing that I caught her before she could even hit the ground as she would've banged her head on the concrete, as when she fainted, she just fell like a snap. Like an object fell from a shelf.

"I knew by the way she was acting. I know when she's ill, is when I know when she's not acting like herself, as before she fainted, I could see that her face was pale again. She was still clutching onto her lower right side, and she wasn't talking a lot as she claimed that she was tired but I knew she wasn't just tired because she didn't get enough sleep and she did wake up later than us, which is unusual as she wakes up earlier than us." I exclaimed, and it was good thing that we were with her as she did appendicitis, so she could've fainted and her appendix could've burst.

"Ahh I can see. I think you just know her so well, and she should know that." Cubby exclaimed, as he was right. Izzy should be thankful that she has a friend like me, that can figure out what's wrong just by looking into her eyes.

"I know and I told her that she was so lucky to have us around when she fainted." I exclaimed. "As imagine, what happened if she went off on one of her own mini adventures and we weren't with her. Her appendix would've burst without anyone knowing that she was unconscious not even us." I exclaimed.

"Wait what would've happened if her appendix did burst?" Cuby asked me.

"Well, I know toxins would've gotten into her blood, and if her appendix was left untreated, I know this is scary Cubby but she could've died. That's why they had to rush her into surgery, to get her appendix removed before it could burst." I exclaimed, as I felt a shiver go down my spine when I said that Izzy could've died, if her appendix burst.

"The doctor also said that she was a very lucky girl." Skully stated. Yep she was, as the doctor said that if we brought her here ten minutes later, her appendix would've burst.

"I know as he said that if we brought her here ten minutes later, her appendix would've burst." I exclaimed, as that is scary to think about.

"Wow, that is scary. Isn't there two different type of surgeries to remove the appendix?" Cubby asked us.

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