The Lovely Visitors

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Jake's POV
It's been a day since Izzy had her appendix taken out. She's been in pain most of the time. She's currently sleeping with her teddy bear in her arms. We heard the door open and it was Peter Pan.

"Hey guys!" Peter exclaimed as he closed the door.

"Hey Peter!" I exclaimed.

"How's Izzy doing?" Peter asked us.

"She's doing all right. She has pain with her stitches but the main important thing is that her appendix is removed." I exclaimed.

"That is the most important thing. So how did her surgery go?" Peter asked me.

"Her surgery went successful. The doctor said that they removed her appendix right before it could burst. He said to us that she was a lucky girl as her appendix was so closed to bursting." I explained about Izzy's surgery.

"Did she tell you guys that her appendix was hurting her?" Peter asked me.

"Unfortunately no. Two days ago, she was really sick and she did tell us that she was sick, so we took care of her but yesterday, she wouldn't tell us that she was sick and really in pain. The pain got so bad that it made her faint straight into my arms." I explained to Peter while I kept looking at Izzy.

"She should know that she should've told you guys about her pain." Peter exclaimed.

"I know and I did tell her that she should've told us." I exclaimed.

"How long has she been sleeping for?" Peter asked me.

"All night. I'll wake her up for a bit. She's going to be sleeping a lot during her recovery." I exclaimed as I went to gently shake Izzy awake.

"Izz..." I whispered as I gently shook her awake. She groaned as she rest her head on her pillow.

"Yeah...?" She whispered as she yawned. She slightly opened her eyes.

"Peter's here Izz. He's came to visit you." I whispered as Izzy slightly sat up.

"Really?" She whispered. I nodded my head.

"Yep Izz. Do you want me to help you sit up?" I asked her.

"Yes please." Izzy said as I gently helped her to sit up.

"There you go Izz." I exclaimed as I sat next to her on her hospital bed.

"Thanks Jake. Hey Peter." Izzy softly said as she greeted Peter.

"Hey Izzy. How are you feeling?" Peter asked her.

"I'm just feeling really tired and still feeling pain from my stitches." Izzy softly said.

"But the most important thing Izzy is that they got your appendix out before it could burst. You're really lucky to be here." Peter exclaimed while I nodded.

"I know I am but I'm just really scared about being in here." Izzy exclaimed as she held onto her teddy bear.

"I understand Izzy. Don't worry, you've your mates with you, they will help you through it." Peter exclaimed.

"Yeah, you've got us to help you through it." I exclaimed then we heard the door open.

"Hey Peter!" Cubby and Skully exclaimed as they greeted Peter.

"Hey guys." Peter exclaimed.

"You've came to visit Izzy?" Cubby asked Peter.

"Yep..." Peter exclaimed until we looked at Izzy.

"And she fell asleep." I exclaimed as Izzy was sleeping, really cute. She cuddled up to her teddy bear, Minnie Mouse toy and blanket. She still had the IV in her hand.

"Don't worry I'll come back tomorrow." Peter exclaimed as he got up and flew out the window.

"Bye Peter!" We exclaimed as we waved goodbye. We looked at Izzy while she was sleeping. I couldn't help but smile. She looks so cute while she is asleep.

"Is she going to be asleep, a lot?" Cubby asked me.

"Yes Cubby, she is but as long as she is resting her body then at least she is recovering well from her surgery." I exclaimed as I began to hold Izzy's hand.

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