chapter 4

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^his stage costume^

Place:park near UA

Deku's POV

'Ok the concert starts in an hour and I still have to do hair and makeup,sigh this is gonna be a long night 'I think as I start with my makeup I try to cover up as much freckles as I can, but it never seems to be enough,well at least no one can see most of my face due to my microphone(face mask is a microphone) 'now just the eye contacts and hair spray and I'm done'. I start with the red one and move on to the green,'I'm especially proud with these contacts because of the glowing center ring, I purposely requested them to be red and green with a luminous center because one of my friends said my eyes glow when I'm happy',start my hair and finish ten minutes before the concert so I decided to text the group chat to tell them that I just went backstage, and that I'll arrive back at the dorms later because I want to talk to white rabbit and ask him some questions. Just as I finished texting them my manager came in "hey rabbit it's almost time you should start heading out on stage wouldn't want to keep your fans waiting"he said in his usual cheerful voice, I nod and head up to stage to start the show, as I walk to the microphone I look to the crowd 'huh I guess word spread fast that im holding a concert,  the place is packed I can't even see the ground' i think to myself "hello everyone, before I start singing I just wanna say thank you for coming out tonight, ok so we'll start with a few old songs and move on to the newer ones"

( songs )

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