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If I said that I hadn't been thinking about that kiss with Niall during a majority of my free time, I'd be lying.

I was still in shock.

I felt bad for Sydney if I'm being honest, I couldn't imagine being with a guy who did that, just because I wouldn't have sex with him.

I was currently sitting alone in my dorm, Sydney had went to another party with her pig of a boyfriend and Liam.

Harry tried to get me to come over too, but I declined, I needed to go get some stuff from the store anyway. Me being very forgetful, I had to go to the nearest pharmacy and try and find a contact case.

I was sick of putting them in a cup with the solution in it at night.

I had on a pair of leggings, along with a oversized sweater, and a pair of flats.

I didn't feel up to doing anything with my hair, so I stuck a beanie on my head instead.

I walked out of the dorm, and out of the building.

The nearest pharmacy was only a couple of blocks away, so I figured I would just walk. On my way, my phone began ringing in my pocket, I pulled it out to see Sydney's name illuminate the screen.

"Hello?" I answered, continuing on my journey.

"Alexa, hey." She slurred, yup, she was drunk off her ass.

"What's up?" I laughed, her behavior may have been irresponsible, but it was pretty funny.

"Come to the party, pleaseeeeee." She begged, as I heard Harry in the background talking, but I couldn't make out what he said.

"No, why?" I asked, declining her offer already.

"I can't find Niall, I wanna hang out with my best friend." She replied, it sounded as though she was about to fall asleep.

"Is it at the same place as the last one?" I asked, sighing.

"Yeah. Are you coming?" She asked, letting out a little squeal.

"Yeah, I'll be over soon." I sighed again, hanging up the phone, and turning around to head back to the frat house.

I had my glasses on today, and probably big the most partying kind of outfit on, but I was gonna go, pick up Sydney and bring her home.

I wasn't in the mood to stay out too long anyway.

I finally made it to the frat house, after a minimal amount of wandering around, and not to my surprise there were people scattered around the lawn, most of them having a red cup in hand.

I walked into the house, attempting to find someone I was at least slightly acquainted with.

"Alexa?!" I heard some question, but was yelling all the same.

Oh god, not today.

I turned around to see the god damn blonde Irish boy I had been trying so hard to avoid, obviously I'm not very good at that.

His usual blue eyes, had a tint of red, due to the alcohol that was in the cup he was holding.

Allowed myself to take a second and just admire how amazing he looks with a backwards snapback on, it looked amazing with the contrast of the tattoos and piercings adorning his body.

"Hi Niall." I replied, awkwardly.

"Alexa the nerd is the cutest thing ever." He smiled, god he was so drunk.

"I'm sure Sydney, your girlfriend, is cuter right?" I asked, trying to get him to remember about his lonely girlfriend.

"I'm not sure, I can't find her." He shrugged,

"Why'd you leave her then?" I asked, feeling frustrated.

"Because, I needed to do something." He replied, taking a shot.

I saw Harry walk by, a girl with him, by his side as they began to walk upstairs.

I wasn't upset, we weren't exclusive. Did it hurt a little? Maybe, but I decided to get over it fast and just find my highly intoxicated roommate.

"Harry!" I yelled, grabbing his attention.

He turned around, wide eyes as he realized it was me. He dropped the girls hand, trying to look casual.

"It's not what it looks like." He responded quickly.

"Bullshit!" Niall yelled, he was getting oddly defensive, I gave him an odd look, quickly shrugging it off.

"Harry calm down, personally I don't give a shit if you fuck her or not, have you seen Sydney?" I asked, feeling frustrated.

"She left about twenty minute ago, said she was going home." He seemed more calm now.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

"I thought you were a good girl?" Niall said, seeming utterly confused.

"I can be a good girl and still swear Niall, sorry to burst your bubble." I retaliate.

"I'm sorry, about us." Harry said awkwardly, the girl was still standing there, seeming impatient.

"We'll talk about it later, we weren't official anyway." I shrugged.

It was getting late and I was growing more and more tired as the seconds ticked by.

I just wanted to punch every drunk teenager that passed, they all acted so ridiculous.

"I'm gonna go find somewhere to sleep for the night." I muttered to mainly myself.

I walked up the stairs, and somehow managed to find an empty bedroom.

Niall walked in not even seconds later, kicking the door shut behind him.

My heart rate increased as he came closer to me, he was intoxicating. I had only kissed him once, but I could tell he would turn out to be own personal drug, my own personal type of cocaine.

He repeated his actions he did only a few short nights ago, he pushed up against the wall once again. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back once his lips connected with mine, I wasn't even intoxicated, but when his lips met mine, it's felt as if I was.

His lips tasted of vodka, cold from the chilled alcohol. He pinned my arms above my head, continuing our small make out session.

Soon enough, he pulled away, and he was walking out the door.

Leaving me alone and to my thoughts. My thoughts of how his lips felt as they moved against mine, but now, now I felt guilty as a picture of Sydney crept into my mind.

I decided to sleep, where I could escape my problems for just a little while, I knew it wouldn't last long. Anytime at all would help me, and maybe clear my mind for what was coming tomorrow.

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