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((((I made a spotify playlist for what I listen to when I write, my user is fivesecsofsmiles if you wanna check it out, im always adding to it))))

I woke up in a bed at the frat house, I still felt guilt weighing on my shoulders as I remembered everything from before.

I picked up my phone, deciding to call Sydney to make sure she made it home safe.

"Hello?" She groaned into the phone, yeah that hangover was killer, I could tell.

"Hi Syd, how'd you get home last night?" I asked, I felt like a mother at the moment.

"Um, I got a ride from my friend." She seemed, hesitant.

"Okay? Well I slept at the house last night, I was far too tired to walk back up to the dorms." I told her, letting out a quiet yawn as I stretched.

"I'm sorry for making you walk all the way over there, and then I left before you got there. I feel terrible." She sighed.

"It's okay, really. It's not a big deal."

"I'll be home soon." I added, before hanging up the phone.


I heard yelling from down the hall, as I approached my dorm room door, I learned it was in fact my roommate and her boyfriend yelling at each other.

I slowly opened the door.

"I can't believe you would do that!" Niall yelled at her, they looked furious, neither of them seemed to be crying so that had to be a good thing.


"Well you should've knew something was up when I was drunk off my ass, oh wait you were probably somewhere fucking a freshman!" She yelled back.

"Don't you turn this around on me, you're the one who cheated!" I gasped, right on cue too.

"I'm sorry, I just got here. I'll be leaving now." I said awkwardly.

"No, it's Niall's turn to leave." She shook her head, turning away from her... boyfriend?

"Fine, we're over." He grumbled, walking out if the room.

Now was the time Sydney crumbled to a million pieces and cried on my shoulder.

She had the cry mumbles, where you're trying to talk, but you're crying so hard that no one knows what you're saying.

"Sydney, hun, take a deep breath." I instructed, and she did so, "now, tell me what happened." I told her, side hugging her.

"Well, last night I didn't come back here, I was so drunk and this guy came up to me, and we started talking. Somehow I agreed to going home with him, and we did it. Somehow Niall found out, and wow I've never cried so much in my life." She rambled, sniffling here and there as she continued.

"Calm down, I'm sure everything will be fine. you both just need to calm down right now." I tried to tell her, pulling her into a hug.

"I don't think it will work out, because I think I like the guy. A lot." She laughed bitterly, shaking her head to herself.

"Who is he? Is he cute? I want details!" I said, making her laugh.

Gossip was one of my favorite things.

"Zayn, Zayn Malik. He's a sophomore like me, an English major. He's hot, I mean really hot. Wanna see him?" She asked, giggling.

It didn't take her long to stop thinking about her blonde ex-boyfriend.

"What, is he hiding in the closet?" I joked, making her laugh.

She pulled up a picture on her phone, and turned the screen towards me.

He was hot, very hot.

His olive skin matched his brown eyes, and his dark hair. His stubble was even hot, I didn't even know that was a thing.

"Yeah, he's definitely hot." I nodded, laughing quietly.

"I know, I'm so confused. I have no idea what I'm suppose to do now." She groaned, putting her was in her hands as she leaned against her knees.

"You need a shopping day with me, come on. Get up!" I yelled, pulling her up off the bed.

After only minimal fighting, we were soon at the local mall.

After a quick stop at chic-fil-a, eating our waffle fries and chicken sandwiches, we were on our walking throughout different stores.

"Come on, we have to go to hot topic!" She exclaimed excitedly, pulling me towards the dark store.

I've never been in one before.

"We really need to get you a new look, Al." I guess that was my nickname.

I frowned as I looked down at my current clothes, light jeans, an oversized sweater so it wouldn't be tight, and a pair of vans.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" I asked.

"Nothing, just you'll never get a boyfriend if you don't show any skin. It's just how boys think, sorry." She shrugged bluntly.

"I don't have much to show." I scoffed as I thought about my hardly there chest, and butt, or should I say lack of.

"Do some squats." She laughed, making me roll my eyes but laugh all the same.

As we browse around the store, Sydney trying to show band shirts of bands I've never heard of, I see a mop of curls that looks oddly familiar.

"Alexa, look who's here! It's Harry!" Sydney smirked, she didn't know what happened last night.

"I see that." I laughed awkwardly.

"I'll leave you too alone." She winks at me, and I smile awkwardly.

"Uh, hey." He's the first to talk.

"Hi." I say back, unsure of what else to say.

"Look Alexa, I really like you. I may have been a little under the influence last night. Can we just start over and try again, please?" He asked, his eyes pleadingly twinkling.

"I'd like that." I smiled, letting out a quiet laugh.

"How about I pick you up tonight around eight, and I'll take you on a proper date." He promised.

"Okay, see you then." I smiled, as he walked backwards towards the door, running into the wall on the way out, a big goofy smile on his face.

"What was that? I've never seen Harry like that." She gushed.

"I've got a date with Harry." I smiled.

"I wanna know details afterwards!" She squealed, oh we were both infatuated with details.

(Hey guys,

You should follow me on twitter it's @/rxdicxlcal

I love you all!



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