Double Duels

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In the main command center, the doors slide open to reveal five Aqua Droids coming and shooting at all this inside. Lama Su quickly hid behind the command chair, while the two Clones, set up on the right and left started opening fire, only for the one on the left to be shot in the head and killed. As he fell, Shaak Ti activated her Lightsaber and rushed at the Droids, deflecting shots, before getting up to the one leading the charge and slicing its legs and right blaster arm off. Before the blaster arm could fall, she used the Force to grab and throw it into the head of the Aqua Droid on the far right. She then lifted up two Aqua Droids on the right and slammed them into the last one on the left, destroying them all. The Jedi Master then activated the comlink on her left arm and reported, "the Droids are spread thin! We must press our attack now!"

Above the planet, Merai and his personal ship, the Shark, was making its way to the city, with Aayla, Oppo, and the Zabrak Jedi right behind him, trying to shoot him down. However, he was dodging their shots. Tsui Choi and the Rodian Jedi fly right at Merai and fired, but he spun around to dodge and then unleashed missiles at them. While the two flew to the left and right, respectively, in time, the missiles then exploded, creating a smokescreen. Meria flew through the smoke and was heading towards the water on Kamino. The Jedi flew after him and started shooting, while they did hit him a few times, his ship still managed to make it into the water, forcing the Jedi to pull up

With his ship submerge and the Jedi backing off, Merai laughed, "What were those Jedi thinking, defending a water world without ships that can submerge?" He began searching for the alleged shield generator.

Ventress finally entered the Clone DNA Chamber and went over to the computer. After a few quick button presses, a pod containing Jango Fett's DNA popped out on the side, which she grabbed with her right hand. A Lightsaber igniting, caused her to turn around and see Anakin standing at the door. She laughed, "I was beginning to think we wouldn't see each other in person today."

Anakin confidently replied, "You didn't think I'd let you leave without first saying hello?" Ventress attached the pod to her belt and then activated her two sabers.

Inside the halls of Kamino, Grievous lead his B1's and Aqua Droids to a door, with one of the B1's even knocking on it and saying, "Open up."

Grievous ordered, "Get those doors open and scare the remaining Clones out of hiding."

The Droid nodded, "Roger, roger." He blasted at the door, only for it to open, revealing Rex, Cody, Echo, and Fives standing their and firing at him, killing the Droid.

Another Droid ordered, "Blast them!" the Clones kept firing as they retreated inside, with the Droids following them.

Grievous laughed, "All too easy."

Obi-Wan then arrived behind him, activated his Lightsaber, and shouted, "Define easy, general!"

Grievous turned around to face him and growled, "Kenobi!" He then activated his two sabers, with his MagnaGuards stepping in front of him and readying their staffs.

Back with Anakin, he stared off against Ventress, before rushing at her. However, she jumped over him, dodging his slash, landed at the door and then Force Pushed him into Chamber. She smirked, but the young Jedi quickly recovered and lunged at her, swinging his saber at her, but she crossed her blades together to block the strike. However, the force of the attack still caused her to stumble back and out of the room. Once in the hall, she broke the hold and then used her left saber to strike at Anakin's right side, only for the Jedi to block with his saber. After knocking her blade away he tried to cut at her chest with a top swing down, but the assassin leaped back before he could. When he spun around and tried again, Ventress once again intercepted by crossing her lightsabers together. She uncrossed her blades to break the hold, causing Anakin to step back, as she spun to her left and swung her left saber at his head. Anakin's speed allowed him to bring his own sword up in time to knock the attack away and then swing it upwards diagonally towards the assassin's head. Only for her right saber to intercept the strike. The young Jedi tried to grab for the DNA with his left robotic hand, while he held the saber lock, but Ventress jumped back as he reached for it. She then swung at the top of his head with her left sword. Luckily, Anakin back stepped in time, then proceed to bring his saber up horizontally, to block a strike from the right sword. He then flipped his sword around in his right hand, before swinging at part of her right sides back. Ventress managed to bring both her sabers over in time lined up next to each other to block the attack. She added more power to knock Anakin's arm and saber upwards, then bent down to strike at his feet, only for the Jedi to swing his saber downwards to stop both blades.

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