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(Last disclaimer: Mature language, read the tags).


Sitting near the window, the man flipped through the book, on full concentration mode. His short black hair and navy blue eyes could captivate any person to get into his pants. But what was in this man's mind could ruin his image.

Food gave him happiness from the bottom of his heart. Being alone in the study has its downs. He wasn't able to eat snacks. But he is able to sleep and eat all day if he memorized this entire book.

Tapping his foot, the man stood near the window looking down at the kids playing. A tug on his lips brought a smile. 'Ah youth', three knocks caught his attention. A woman in maid clothing walked in with a bow, "Master requested your presence".

Putting his book down, this man was none other than Acacius. Son of an international business star.

Walking down the stairs, he saw someone with ruby eyes look at him. Ignoring the look, he took a look at the old man with his gray hair slicked back and navy blue eyes, in a kimono.

"Are you finished?", "Yes father", he had to show respect or else it'll bring shame to their family. The father, Adam, gestured to the seat beside him. Nodding he sat next to him ignoring the heated stare from the boy with ruby eyes.

"Now recite the story", Acacius nodded starting from the very top of with the title, date of period, authors and table of contents. Nodding in approval, Adam felt proud, his son truly is a genius. The maids and butlers stood on the sideline with shock. Young master just recited at 749 paged story without missing any details!.

"Hm... you may go", Acacius stood up from his seat as the food was delivered to his room. The ruby eyed boy is his younger brother, Kayden.

His younger brother is somewhat arrogant, hiding his feelings behind his rough behavior, trying not to show that he cares, a cute tsundere who doesn't hit.

Walking up the spiral stairs, Acacius yawned, preparing for shut down once his head hits the pillow. Walking back to his room, past the study, he waved the servants off. Not wanting to hear the chatting outside again.

Walking in, he closed the door behind him and locked it. No one disturbs his sleep, or else they'll see a part of him he doesn't want them to see. Before sleeping, he always reads a dose of drugs. Looking through his closet, pushed all the way back, he grabbed a book. Flopping on his bed, he opened the book to the page he stopped on.

"Lift your hips up, peasant!"

"Yes master!", lifting up his hips he clenched the bedsheets. His master sure loves to be rough with him.

Caressing his butt, he pulled down his underwear.


'He's so lucky to have a cute uke', flipping through the pages he had grabbed snacks from his bedside and started eating them. "This bitch!", the FL took away the uke's gong!. The gong is to blame too because he fell for her acts. Totally forgetting about the uke which was cannon fodder. Almost ripping the pages apart, he calmed himself, almost committing the greatest sin.

Arriving at the last page, Acacius needed to take a shit. Putting the book down, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand and put it on Wattpad. He has all his favorite BL stories saved to his private library.

Washing his hands, he saw the lights abruptly turn off. "What's going on?", 'Do we have a blackout?', turning the knob he tried to make way. "I hate this...fml", this often happens but it's really quick to turn back on. 'Damn! I didn't even realize how dark my room is!', feeling around he felt the corner of his bed, guiding himself he jumped on the soft 'cushion'. He heard a moan. "Ahn~dodon't be so rough", it was a woman's voice.

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