Part 2

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I always feel like no one will love me. Like there's no one waiting for me. They're waiting for the perfect girl but it sure the hell isn't me! I always considered picking up the razor and giving it a few slices. 'Why not?' I think. Family is one thing, for most people they will always be there, and it's almost like they have to be there. Friends have the opportunity to walk in and out anytime they want. So I sometimes envy them: the ones who have a best friend at their shoulder, or a great guy/girl friend (not romantically), waiting to spend time with them. I just want someone to tell me I'm pretty, or that I'm not just a person.  That I'm someone with meaning, not just another student among a classroom, or a kid in Vegas. Then there's those people reading this, thinking ' Oh, she's young, she'll find someone'. Well you know what?! It hurts now, now matters, and it hurts now. I don't want to wait but I guess I'll have to, right? :*) It's okay I'll just put the veil back up. :) Better?

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