Chapter Seventeen

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Saris Prime Observation station- The Serendipity

Ren sat bolt upright in bed in the early hours of the morning when he felt the ship shake.
"What the?" Ren said getting out of bed, forgetting that he was practically naked and ran to the flight deck, Ren wasn't fast, but he could run.
"Rik was also up there, of course, looking out of the windows and looked up as his counterpart came in.
"What's going on?" Ren asked.
"I think it is another storm down on the planet," said Rik.
"It shook the ship!" Ren said.
"it's a bad one," said Rik putting the headset on "it shook the entire docking ring, let's see if I can pinpoint the location" concentrating he closed his eyes and used the interface to create a 3D image of the planet and moved it around purely by though, and Ren whistled "that storm is as big as the station!"
Rik nodded "yeah and it is moving fast! We can sense it and track it due to our sensitivity to the Way; it's almost unnatural".
"Maybe it is," said Ren pulling on the spare headset, the ship had two adjusting it slightly around his pointed ears, he and Rik both had points on their ears "the T'ron do fly what is known as 'Stormships'", and then Ren added "I will see if I can sense anything" he closed his eyes and reaching out, connecting with the storm, he felt Rik join him.
The more powerful Jedaini Masters could project themselves across millions of light years and even fight like that, and noone could usually tell that they were a projection.
Rik and Ren weren't that powerful yet, but they could project themselves for short distances, together and apart, they figured that it was another offshoot from the Celestial being they had once been and they could also merge themselves temporarily into one being, but that presently wasn't what they were doing, as they appeared floating in the storm.
"Quite possibly a Storm ship," said Ren.
Rik nodded " worth investigating though this storm ain't fully natural".
"Yeah" Ren agreed.
Rik nodded and looked at Ren " dare we?" he asked.
Ren knew what he meant, their ability with the Way allowed them to merge briefly back into RikRen and basically 'Force walk' as Rikren, but it gave them a kind of protection, but it wasn't something they did often though.
Ren nodded "RikRen," he said taking Rik's hands, and a glow surrounded them both, enhanced by the enhancer, it was a lot smoother, Ren always initiated it as he was the stronger and the most connected to the Way.
"RikRen" sad Rik as light surrounded them both and once cleared they were an ethereal looking glowing being.
"Ok remember we can't keep this up for too long," the part that was Ren said, adjusting himself to his new form "this always feels strange" he remmarked and using his ability to float he entered the storm, shielding himself and focusing.
Once he was focused, he steadied himself and opening his senses, pausing he focused and his sword appeared or at least a projection of it.
"One with the Path and the Way," he said quietly to himself "RikRen" he grinned and spun around enjoying the freedom, making a few experimental swings with his sabre and then discharged it " now to investigate".
He paused as he felt a presence and started to pinpoint it and frown as he sensed menace and then said: " so that's how they did it!"
He followed the signals and came across an alarming sight, a ship, he didn't immediately recognise hung above the other mining platform, but judging from the rumours it was probably one of the so-called 'Stormships' the ships the T'ron had that could fly around inside a storm and provided one themselves and he realised that was what he was probably looking at, dark human figures also seemed to be dropping out of the ship as well in suits and on small platforms down towards the mining station, seeing it was within the atmosphere of Saris Prime, knowing the T'ron were shapeshifters and related to the Dorenganza and themselves, ( a powerful, and somewhat still mysterious shapeshifting race) no doubt the T'ron could adapt themselves to their surroundings as they could.
RikRen backed up, hiding in the storm using the Way to camouflage himself and then and there decided on a course of action, letting the part of him that was Rik take over.
"I gotta warn the station!" he said " and there is no time to waste!" so he propelled himself to the station still as RikRen.
One of the Docking Rings patrolmen was surprised and surprised when there was a golden white flash and a tall, celestial looking alien being dressed in the robes of a Jedaini Knight and holding a double-bladed lightsword appeared in front of him, his mane of long brown-red hair blew out around him and seemed to be a mix of light and hair and his blue eyes glowed.
"Err," he said backing up as a tall, shining alien being who looked a bit like what was known as an 'Angel' floating slightly above the surface of the docks down near Docking ring 4, where the Sunrise called the Serendipity was docked.
The Patrolman didn't know what to think and wondered if he was seeing one of the so-called 'ghosts' that was said to haunt the docks.
"We must warn the Head of the Station" the being said with surprisingly a Sarisian accent discharging his sabre, he had golden skin with two arms and five long fingers and was very Angelic looking.
"Err um".
"It's a matter of life and death" the strange being continued "Mining Platform 2 it has been boarded and attacked by the T'ron as we speak, they have a Stormship".
"Um....Ok" said the man "Err what are you? Are you an angel or something? or one of the ghosts that are said to haunt the docks?"
"My names RikRen and I'm neither of those" the strange being said.
"You're a Jadaini Knight!" he said astounded.
"Yes," he said, "look you need to take me to the Head of Security, or pass my message on, it's urgent, you need to do something about this and quickly!"
"Um ok, follow me," he said, " err if you can, as a member of the Order you'll get priority".
RikRen nodded "good".
"Follow me," said the Guard.
RikRen nodded and did so and was led to the main security office and a man dressed in a uniform looked up as Rikren's light lit up the room as he walked in.
"Marshal this Jadaini Knight says he has some news to share and that it is urgent".
"Very well," he said.
RikRen said, "I apologise for the intrusion Marshal but Mining Platform 2 is being boarded this very moment by the T'ron".
"And you know" he asked.
"Marshal he's a Jedaini! How do you think he knows?" said another person.
"I sensed it," he said, " and saw it".
"He is a member of the Adept Order Marshal," said the Guard.
"Please just take my words for it, Marshal," said RikRen " and send someone down there, so we don't lose more lives".
"Sir he may be right, there does seem to be some unusual storm activity gathered around Mining platform Two" reported someone else " and as odd as those of the Order are, they are usually good at their word".
"Trust me," said RikRen, he indicated the comms unit " any moment now a distress call will come through that speaker that they are under attack".
"How do you" and suddenly a red light flashed, and an alarm went off.
"Mining platform two," said the other person turning a speaker on and a voice came over the speaker "please! This is mining platform two! We are under attack from the T'ron; I repeat we are under attack! Please send someone down here!"
RikRen went to the comms unit and said, " this is the station we hear you, Consular Rikren speaking here, how many?"
"We can't tell you! They have a ship above us, one of those 'Stormships' I think, we have little defence against a starship we need someone down here now!" there was the sound of gunfire in the background.
The Marshal spoke then " this is Marshal Henderson, we have heard you and are deploying fighters as soon as we can, how many of you are on the platform?" he looked at RikRen who nodded.
"It's the Nightshift so about 50, maybe 60, please come as soon as you are able, we will try to hold out onto then, but we have little defence and won't be able to do so for a long period" was the answer.
"I'm hitting the alert, " said another person " tell them we are deploying forces now!" the station shook.
"Deploying forces now," said the Marshal, he looked at RikRen " seems you were right, is there any other Knights on the station?"
"Not that I know off, but I could be wrong," he said, " but I do have my ship, and I'll join you in my starfighter".
"Ok," he said " meet with the other pilots as soon as you can" as RikRen vanished.

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