the dark

302 6 1

Max prof

I am sitting in the dark in a corner of a room. The only light I see is from a window on the other side of the room. I don't think that their was a garden on the other side and also didn't look like the streets. The light looked fake. Like from a lamp instead of the sun.

I saw a door, I tried to get up but my legs hurted. I slowly crawled to the door. It hurt me so much but at this moment I really don't care. I just wanna get out of here!

I get to the door and I'm trying to stand up but my legs hurt a lot. Slowly I got up using the door to keep me up. I reach out to the doorknob and tried to turn it but it's locked. I should've known. I wont give up. I started knocking on the door and screaming "HELP ME! GET ME OUT!"

"urgh, you hurt my ears, shut op!"

"Calm, she is new. She doesn't know what is happening yet!"

"So what?!"

"I'll show you what, with my fists!"

I heard voices from be hind me I don't know who they are but at the sound of it it's a boy and a girl. I slowly turned around, my eyes still not used to the dark.

"Guys stop! You're freaking her out!"

When my eyes finally got used to the dark I could see a few kids sitting on a table, they where starting to shout at each other. A boy and a girl where fighting while another boy was screaming at them to stop screaming. I saw one girl who didn't say anything. She was very quiet. I slowly leaned on the door, I was confused.

"Who are you guys?" I asked. You could barely understand me because I was to scared but they understood.

"Hy! I'm Jerred, this is Jade, Jack and Lilly. Lilly is the quiet one, jack the dumb one and Jade is the badass. I, I am the smart one of the group." The guy who was shouting to let everyone stop shouting said.

(I know, It's getting confusing...)

"Okay, first of all, I'm not dumb! I'm probably smarter then you're! And second, what's your name girly?"

"PHA! You? Smarter then I am? In your dreams you dumbass, I bet you can't even spell the word 'the'!"

"I'm max..." I said, getting tired of the fighting.
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? When do I get out of here? Where even is here???" The questions came out of my mouth like... like... okay idk what comes out of stuff at a high speed?

"We don't know either, we've seen a lot of children come in and out of here. We think there are two options,
One: the boss sells us to other people.
Two: the boss asks money from our family to give us back." The smart kid Jerred said.

"Or some children get killed!" Jack said.

"What?!" I started to panic, killed?

"No no no! Nobody gets killed! Jack is just stupid. You don't have to listen to him..."


Jade started walking towards me. I'm still leaning against the door. She comes close and said.

"Why'd you run away?"

"How did you know I ran away?"

"Easy, everyone who comes here has run away!"

"You guys too?"


They all started to tell me their stories, I did too. I really regret it. Running away I mean. My sister loves me and I love her too, I don't know why she let my dad take me away but she probably has a good reason for it.

I hope she isn't angry and I hope she wants me back! I've been a terrible sister!

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