Give Him A Chance (Dean + Sam Winchester) sister!reader/ (Theo Raeken)

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Request: TW and Supernatural imagine the reader is Sam and Dean sister and she is dating Theo and they are both aware of what the other are and what they do and she doesn't view Theo as a monster just a supernatural person that life dealt him and the others a shitty hand life is just cruel in general just as it was to her and she hates the lifestyle of a hunter.
TW and Supernatural imagine being Sam and Dean half sister and she is in a relationship with Theo and she is pregnant with his kid and her brothers don't approve of it at all but having a family for her is important and she won't give up her family no matter what her brothers say and she never wanted to be a hunter. Requested by @cokecola4211

"For the last time brothers, you are not laying a finger on his head" you warned your older brothers.

"Y/n for the 100th time he's dangerous" Sam told you.

"Leave her Sammy, she's not going to understand. Obviously, she under some kind of spell" Dean said.

"I am right here, Dean. and I'm not under a spell. I love him, okay? He may have done some bad things in the past, but he has changed".

"That's what any monster would say" Dean wasn't convinced.

"I've had it with you. Why are we any better? We've all done bad things in the past. I mean for christ's sake we started the apocalypse and you opened the doors of hell. Many more people died because of you than of him. If we're talking about monsters, then you should take a look in the mirror. That's where the true monster lies" your words were harsh.

"Ouch. look at how much you've changed since you met him. You don't even realize what you're saying".

"I'm full aware of what I'm saying. I'm leaving and the only way to stop me in to put a bullet in my brain. If you come after him, you'll have to deal with me" you threatened and left.

Dean was about to follow but Sam stopped him.

"Leave her be, Dean. She deserves to be happy. Your words are only gonna drive her further away".

"But she's brainwashed. Haven't you heard the way she was talking to us?".

"Come on, we gotta go" you rushed to Theo's house.

"Where are we going? And why are you in a rush?".

"Let's run away together. I know they won't stop until you're dead. We have to move" you informed him.

"Y/n, baby. Calm down! I'm sure he's just being overprotective. I mean after everything I've done who wouldn't" he felt guilty.

"Listen to me Theo, you are not a monster and you don't deserve this. I don't care what others think, I love you. Now, let's go please" you begged.

"Y/n, do you trust me?" he asked.

"Yes. but why do I sense you're going to do something stupid?".

"Just play along. I'm going to see your brothers".

"The hell you are. I'm not going to see you get killed" you refused.

"Y/n this is the only way. I don't want to run for the rest of my life and I don't want you to make enemies out of your family. Just trust me on this".

"Have you come to die?" Dean asked as soon as Theo came in.

"I came to talk to you".

"Well, it's too late. You're gonna die now" Dean pointed his gun at Theo's head, but you quickly stood in front of him.

"Y/n, move" he ordered.

"As I said, if you want to get to him, you gotta go through me first".

"Fine, so be it".

"Dean, put the gun down" Sam commanded.

Dean realized what he was about to do and put his gun down.

"I know you guys don't trust me and you have a good reason not to. If I could change what I did, I would have. I have changed, thanks to your sister. Her happiness is all I care about. I can't watch her run with me for the rest of her life. I can't see her drift apart from her family because of me. You are her brothers and want what's best for her. I know that you will protect her. So, if I have to let her go for you to stay together, then that's what I'm going to do. I'm sorry, Y/n. it's the only way to ensure your safety. They're your brothers and they'll take good care of you in ways that I can't" he kissed your forehead and headed to the door.

"You can't do this to me, Theo" tears started to fill up your eyes. "Please, no! You always say family is what matters. Well, I am pregnant with Theo's child" you confessed.

He turned around and looked at in shock "what? Why haven't you told me?".

"Why are you telling us this now?" Dean questioned in a cold tone.

"I wanted it to be a surprise Theo, but I also didn't want to make you worry more. I'm telling you this now brothers, because it's the thing I can say to make you change your minds. I didn't want to tell you, because I knew you'd probably kill him if he turned out to be a supernatural creature" you expressed.

"Y/n, how can you say that? Do you really think that low of us? He's family and we'd never hurt him, I promise. Right, Dean?" Sam assured you.

"Dean!" Sam nudged his brother to say something.

"Stop!" Dean ordered and Theo was scared.

"I'm going to give you one chance, but if you ever harm anyone again or make my sister cry, I'll cut off your head. Are we clear?" Dean warned.

"Yes, sir".

Dean then gave you a reassuring nod.

"Thank you" you hugged your brothers. Then ran towards Theo and kissed him.

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