Mine (Dean Winchetser)

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Summary: Dean gets jealous when someone flirts with you in a bar.

Prompt: 60. You should learn to control your temper.
Warnings: fighting, sexual harassment, name calling.

"you're not wearing that. Nuh-uh. Absolutely not!" Dean didn't like the way you dressed at all. Well he definitely liked it, but didn't like you wearing that in public.

"what? It's just a dress Dean" you wear wearing a short black. There's nothing wrong with that, but Dean had to overreact.

"more like a shirt. Go change, now!" he demanded.

"did you just give me an order?"  you asked.

He hesitated for a moment "no... it was more of a suggestion. A very good one".

"I'm not changing, I have nothing else prepared and I haven't worn a dress since forever ago. Do you not trust me?"  you asked.

"It's not that. You know I trust you with my life. It's men I don't trust. Their looks, their minds, their reactions and I don't like sharing".

"how is that sharing?".

"they're gonna see your curves, your thighs, the dress is too tight" he explained.

"Aha. Well I can protect myself and I have you by my side. No one will dare say anything. Let's go, we're gonna be late. Sam's already texted me" you linked your arm in his and dragged him out.

- - -

"Hiya Sammy" you hugged him.

"Y/n, long time no see. Pretty dress" he complimented.

"Thanks" you looked at Dean.

"Don't encourage her".

"Did have an argument about the dress?" Sam asked you.

"too obvious, huh?" you gave him a smile.

"it's all over his face".

"I'll let you two catch up. I'm gonna go get us drinks".

You were sitting on the bar stool waiting for the drinks when a guy two seats away started flirting with you.

"hello beautiful, wanna have a drink with me?" he lifted his drink.

"thanks, but no thanks. I'm already having a drink with my boyfriend and his brother" you informed him.

He stood up and came to you "come on, just one drink".

"I'm not interested" you rejected his offer.

"who do you think you are? You come in here wearing something like that and expecting me to just let you go" he got closer.

"I can wear whatever the hell I want. And you shouldn't be looking. You need to stop sexualizing everything women wear" you told him.

"ooh. A feminist. I like  me a strong woman" he put his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You removed his hand off of you.

"touch me one more time and you won't have a hand to use" you threatened.

"very scary. Come on, what have you got to lose?".

"she's not for the taking" Dean realized what was going on and came to you as soon as he saw him touching you.

"and who are you. Don't tell me he's your boyfriend. You can do better than that" he looked down at Dean.

"like you?".


"I told you I'm not interested".

"back off. She's mine" Dean told him.

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to that doll".

You saw Dean was making a fist and about to hit him, but you quickly put your hand on his chest to calm him down. You grabbed the drinks and wanted to walk away "come on, babe. Let's go" you directed him in the other direction and he followed until the man said something that made him rage.

"whatever. Don't think you're special. I can have as many whores like you as I want". That's it. Dean wasn't gonna let him insult you. He walked towards him and started punching him in the face. The man fell on the ground and his face was covered in blood. Dean didn't stop and everyone was looking at him. The man was loosing his consciousness.

"Dean, stop, please! You're making a scene" you put your hand on his shoulder, trying to get him off the man.

"is that what you;re concerned about? Me making a scene?" he was so angry that he almost killed the man. Even Dean's hand started to bleed.

"Dean if you don't stop, you're gonna kill him. Come with me, please" you knelt on the floor to be at  the same eye level as Dean. He looked at you, then at the man and realized what he was doing. He finally stopped and grabbed you by the arm and walked out off the bar.

"You're hurting me Dean" you informed him.

He let go of your arm "you see why I didn't want you to wear that dress" he yelled.

"I had it under control. I can defend myself. If I wanted to hurt him, I could have, but I chose to ignore it. You should learn to control your temper. This isn't the first time and won't be the last time a man  says that to me. Sometimes, you just have to ignore people, because there will always be some stupid ass people who are like that. And if you listen to them every time, you'll lose yourself in the process. Look at your hand, I bet you didn't even realize, you hurt yourself" you took his hand in your hands.

"this is nothing compared to how I felt when he called you a whore" he watched as you tried to clean his wound.
"I know. It hurts me too. But in order for some men to change their sexist thinking, you have to show them and  resist" you explained.

"I'm sorry, I snapped" he apologized.

"it's alright. Just promise me you'll watch your temper next time".

"I promise" he kissed your forehead.

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