Chapter 1

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[...] I wonder where she went. Anyways, that's enough for today, diary. Thank you for listening to me. Much love,


Sighing, you closed your diary. "How many times do I have to tell you not to barge into my room like that, Brian?" you said as you turned to your 10-year old brother. The boy bluntly ignored the question. "Mommy and daddy are fighting again. Can I stay in your room tonight?" Your facial features softened at Brian's words. You knew he didn't like all the fighting there was these days, and being his big sister, he often came to your room. It didn't bother you. At least, not that much. It wasn't your brother's fault. Hell, he was only ten years old, what was he supposed to do?

"Come on in, Bri." you told him, and he quickly shut the door. He immediately went for your bookshelf, reaching for a certain book that he liked. Little Red Riding Hood.

How many times had Brian read it already? 20? More? You were pretty sure he knew every single line by heart. "That book again?" you snorted. "Isn't it a bit boring to read the same book over and over again?" Turning to you, your brother shook his head, before opening the book and starting to read.

Ah, Little Red Riding Hood. It was actually your mother's, before she passed it on to you. Just like Brian now, you had read the book a lot when you were younger and you still enjoyed the story. It was creative, and a bit absurd, though it had quite a wise lesson hidden in it. Never trust someone, before getting to know them.

If only your mom had taken that advice. Your dad was a bad person and anyone who had stayed with him for more than half a year could see that. So after living with him for quite some years, your mom finally had enough of it and began to fight back. It had been like that for almost half a year now and there were a few moments where you actually considered just leaving the household. Taking Brian with you, of course.

Sadly, you couldn't. Where would you stay? And who was going to pay for school? No, you had no choice but to stay in this hell of a household. So, obviously, you did the only thing you could do and gave your little brother the attention that he deserved.

Brian looked up to you, you knew he did. He'd often mimic the things you'd do on a daily basis and if you told him what to do and what not to do, he'd listen to you. You didn't want to become his mother, but seemed like you had no choice. It wasn't like they cared.

As if on cue, the door slammed open and your half drunken mother stumbled in. Her face was bloody and her hair wild. This wasn't the mother you had known for all those years. You looked at her with different eyes now.

She's weak, but not yet at her breaking point.

You managed to shove Brian behind you, while you puffed your chest out, making yourself look more intimidating.

"Brian." your mother huffed out and she frantically looked around. As soon as she spotted the young boy behind you, she took two big steps in your direction and grabbed Brian's arm, pulling him out from behind you.

Screaming filled your ears as you saw your mother take your brother with her, literally dragging the poor boy over de ground. Not hesitating one single moment, you ran after them, but it was too late. Your mother was already downstairs. You looked, fear in your eyes as the two of them walked out of sight.

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