Chapter 2

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You never dreamed anymore since your parents started fighting. You either had nightmares or dreamless nights.

So this was.. weird, to say the least.

As soon as you opened your eyes, a white light almost blinded you. At first you thought that it was just another nightmare, but as soon as your eyes were used to the light, you were greeted with an astounding view. Cherry blossoms were all around you, the light of the day visible through the leaves. As you looked around, you noticed that you could not see further than the pink trees. It was almost as if you were trapped in this beautiful pastel forest.

"Beautiful, innit?" You jumped at the sound of a voice. Fast as ever, you whipped your head around, followed by your body. There, looking at the world around him, stood a boy, seemingly much younger than you. The reflection of the sun on the pool of water behind him made him look like he was an angel that had fallen down and couldn't find his way back. Not to mention his snow white skin and hair were not something you saw every day.

Nevertheless, you nodded. "Yeah." Seconds later you added. "Is this your world?" The boy shook his head, his white hair moving ever so slightly. "It's yours, actually. For me, this world is the first bit of color I've seen in years." He looked you in the eyes and for some reason your heart jumped. The look in his eyes made you feel like you had seen him before somewhere, though you pushed the feeling away. "The name's Chara. And yours?" he asked. "Y/n." you answered him.

You walked "So, this is my world? Then why don't I know this place? And why are you here?" the so-called Chara shrugged. "I can jump from dream to dream to help those who need it and happened to come across your lovely one. I think I might stay." Humored, you let out a laugh. "That's impossible. Shit like that just doesn't exist." You looked at the ground, thinking. The white-haired boy reminded you of a character from a book you'd read some time ago. What book was it again?

"Oh, but the evidence is right here." Looking up, you saw Chara pointing at himself. Did he really think you'd fall in his little trap? "Look Chara, I don't have time for this. You're just another dream. I will probably have forgotten about you when I wake up." At this, the white haired boy's face fell. "You're quite hard to convince, aren't you?" "My mom always told me not to trust strangers."

Chara put his hand on his chin, and you wondered what he was thinking about. "I'm ready to take the challenge." You frowned in confusion. Before you could say anything else, Chara started talking again. "If I can visit you again next time you go asleep, do you promise to give me a chance to help you?" He held out his hand for you to take. "You sure? As long as I don't think about you, I won't dream about you." I hope. Chara laughed. "You sound so sure of yourself, it's almost sad." The boy put his hand out again. Hesitantly, you shook his hand, pushing the bad feeling you got from his last sentence down. "Alright then, prepare to lose."

You sat up in your bed, your mouth as dry as the Sahara. Going limp, you let your head fall down on your pillow, before turning over your phone. 7:30am it read. When did your classes start again?




Fuck, they started at 8:00! Hurrying out of bed, you jumped in the clothes nearest to you. You never overslept. Well, until now of course.

It had only felt like you had been in your dreamworld for a few minutes, when in fact, you had spent hours there. Weird. You decided to just forget about it for now, having to get to school in time.

Hopefully you never had to see Chara again.

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Paper Heart (X-Tale!Chara x Fem!Reader) ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now