It's My Job (Ragnar Lothbrok) daughter!reader

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Request: so the reader is Ragnar's first born and only surviving daughter, Ragnar loves his daughter so much and she is the only one who treats him not like a King but a father. One day she goes to sea to swim and relax but some men watch her taking her clothes off, Ragnar catches them. The rest is up to you but I prefer protective father Ragnar. Sorry if its complicated. <33 Requested by @buckylaufeysonx.

Being king Ragnar's first born definitely had its perks but it also had its disadvantages.

For example: you had to train hard with him every day and let's not forget the huge responsibility you have. Whenever you went on  raids with him, he'd split the army in two and let you lead one of them.

Yes, he wanted his name to be written in history but he also does everything for you. You were different than your brothers and you were the only surviving daughter he had.

Your brothers were filled with greed, wanted power and others wanted to explore. While some wanted to even best their father.

You on the other hand, wanted to have a normal life. You didn't treat your father like the others. You didn't see him as a component or someone to fear.

You saw him as what he truly was; a loving and caring father who wanted his children to become something in life.

"good. Someday you might even defeat me" Ragnar complimented as you were fighting.

"I will father, you'll see" you smiled.

"you tired yet?" he asked, seeing how sweaty you were and how you were out of breath.

"no. I'm ready to go another round. Unless you're tired old man" you teased.

"no you're not. Let's call it a day" he suggested.

"as you wish, old man" you dropped your sword and were walking away.

"hey...!" he exclaimed.

"yes, father?".

"come here" he ordered and you did. He kissed your forehead "I'm proud of you".

After a tiring day, you needed a cold bath. You went to the sea and decided to take a swim.

You thought you were alone and took off your light armor. Then you took off your shirt, shoes and trousers. You were about to take off your underwear when you heard noises.

You turned to look around and saw your father fighting with a couple of men. He drove his sword through one of the men's heart and as the other was begging for his life he did the same.

The third man was trying to escape but Ragnar threw his sword and it hit the right spot, killing him.

You stood there in surprise not knowing what this's about. Ragnar came to you and picked up your clothes, handing them to you.

"here" "next time you want to take a bath, do it at home" he said.

"I was actually about to go for a swim" you informed him.

"then either do it, when you're absolutely sure. Or swim in your underwear" he ordered.

"is that what this was about?" you asked.

"Y/n these men were peeking on you. That's not a way to look at a king's daughter" he justified.

"so you ended their lives because they were looking at me?".

"Yes and no.  They showed disrespect to you and to me. Not just as a father but as a king and I can't allow that. If people didn't respect me, I wouldn't be able to rule them. Who knows what else they could have done? There were three of them and one of you" he added.

"if you're worried they're gonna rape me, don't be. I know how to take care of myself. You taught me, remember?" you reassured him.

"I know you can, but you didn't have your sword" he reminded you.

"I still could have taken them. After all, I was trained by the great Ragnar Lothbrok" you informed him.

"I know that. I just can't help but worry and be protective of you. You're the only daughter I have left. Let me do my job" he pulled you closer to him and kissed your forehead.

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