Catha, News, and Plans

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The feast for the druids lasted well into the night, celebrating the kingdom that would help usher in a new era of peace. Merlin left them early to prepare for the Cath's arrival the following day, along with Kilgharrah, bringing life-changing news apparently. He left with Gwaine steering him towards his room before heading to his.

Merlin was awoken by the beating of wings and he quickly dressed and headed to the dragon stables to meet Kilgharrah. Kilgharrah landed as Merlin rounded the corner.

"Young warlock," tone fond as he gave a slight bow of his head.

"Kilgharrah old friend, where have you been?" worry showed on his pale features.

"I apologize, Merlin, I have heard rumors about a possible dragon egg, I had to find out what I could about the last of my kin. I am old Merlin I will not live forever, I do not want to be the last kind when I die." eyes softening at the worry his dragonlord showed.

"I promise I'll do everything within my power to find it." Merlin's posture radiated determination at the old dragon's explanation.

"I would expect nothing less from you, not only as my dragonlord but as one I have come to think of as family." earnest eyes tracking the warlock's sudden pacing.

"And I you. I'll have to go tomorrow though; the Catha priests are to arrive today," looking regretful for not being able to go sooner.

"It is fine Merlin, I know if you could go you would have been gone already." Giving a slight chuckle.

The rest of the evening flew by as Merlin finished the last of their new home and of Kilgharrah telling him all he knew about the location of the dragon egg. Gwaine had joined Merlin sometime ago trying to decipher the maps that Kilgharrah had managed to find, while Merlin switched from working on his notes for the council meeting and helping Gwaine find a location.

"I think I found something!" Gwaine shouted. Merlin got up from the ground and in his hast almost bumped into Gwaine in his to look at the map." Here," Pointing to a section of the map that had sparse detailing." In my travels, I've heard rumors about an egg in some kind of tomb lost to the ages. Everyone pointing in the same direction, no one was willing to check the area as dragons were said to have had built nests there before the Great Purge." Kilgharrah looked up in interest.

"Ah, I should have known. Tomb of Ashkanar would be my guess, He was a dragonlord who grew greedy and lost his gift because of it." growling as he remembered what that man did to his kin.

"What happened?" Merlin spoke wanting to know all he could about his heritage.

"At first, he was kind, had kept the dragons safe, helped build nests for us, but the more dragons came looking for safety the more he had. No one would trifle with him and he began to think of concurring the kingdoms. He asked an ancestor of yours, Merlin, to help him, but he refused and a war between both sides broke out. In the end, your ancestor won and buried his friend befitting his dragonlord status, putting all knowledge the dragonlord had with him making sure no one but a dragonlord of pure heart could find it and use the knowledge they found for the betterment of dragons and their lords. I never thought he would put an egg with him." Gwaine and Merlin were in awe and didn't notice that Torry had appeared.

"KING EMRYS!" Merlin started, Torry had never shouted.

"Sorry, Torry." Giving the elf a gesture to continue.

"Thank you, the Catha have arrived at the border."

"Right, thank you Kilgharrah," Merlin gave a nod of his head and began walking with Gwaine and Torry following dutifully. "Oh, Torry would you be able to gather supplies for tomorrow."

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