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Clark and John are in line to punch out of work for the day.

"So how is he?" Clark asks.

John is distracted and doesn't respond right away.



"How's Vince? Is he going be all right?" Clark wonders.

"I'm not sure. He was in pretty bad shape when the ambulance took him away yesterday. Haven't really heard anything since. Have you?"

"Not really. That's why I asked." responds Clark.

"Well at the very least, I'm sure we helped by relieving the pressure of the crate." suggests John.

"Probably. But it makes you kind of wonder doesn't it?"

"About what?"

"Why he said what he said before he passed out. Something about this being all your fault. Why would he say that?"

"I don't know. Maybe he wasn't talking about me." John says, avoiding things.

"Who else would he be talking about?

Clark and John punch out for the day. They leave the Main Warehouse. Clark and John walk out into the parking lot together.

"Look, Kent, just drop it all right? He's alive, that's all that matters."

Clark and John walk into the Packaging Plant.

Foreman Jack walks past the entering employees, "Let's get to work people. We have a lot of work to get to today and we need to get started right away. Let's go."

Foreman Jack heads off in the opposite direction of his office.

"Hey Clark."

Clark looks at John.

"I need to do something before we get started. Would you cover for me?"

"Why?" questions Clark.

"Just cover for me would you? Our first load is in Section 13F. Go get it started." John says as he heads off in the direction of Foreman Jack's office.


Clark starts to follow John but then stops and continues towards Section 13F of the Packaging Plant.

* * *

Lex and Vril are standing in his office. Lex hands Vril a memory stick of information on the communications system.

"This should be everything you need to modify your radar system."

"Thank you, it should prove quite enlightening." insists Vril.

"As was your help in improving our cybernetics department. With a few modifications and an adequate power source, it should be up and running in a matter of months." Lex says with excitement.

"Glad I could be of assistance. I look forward to more collaborations."

"Speaking of which.." Lex says as he walks over to his desk and opens one of the drawers.

Inside is the drawing Young Lex did of Young Baby Kal-El's space ship that has a drawing of the 'S symbol' on it. Lex takes it out of the drawer.

"I was wondering if you might assist me in another project I've been working on for quite some time."

Lex walks over to Vril and hands it to him, "You aren't the first alien life I've come into contact with. But the previous one has been a little more difficult to track down. I'm curious to know if you've encountered this species before and if you could help me in finding it."

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