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CONVULSIONS HIT ME. I clutch my stomach, double over and will myself to take control. The worst thing that would happen if I chuck up now... my DNA will end up somewhere I cannot afford anyone to find. The least would be that The Fixer would hear about it and I'd be the laughing stock of his cronies for a long time to come.

I'm so close, like right outside his door and I take stock of my situation from a forward position. Beaded sweat appearing on my forehead starts to trickle between my eyebrows and slide down my nose.

I'm such a loser. What made me think I could take him on when I can't even control my bodily functions? I thought I was ready. I thought I was strong enough both physically and mentally to become like him. A cold blooded killer.

I swallow... a mix of self-pity and bile. I cannot tolerate self-pity, least of all in myself. I straighten to an upright position and take several deep breaths. The tension dissipates to a level I think I can manage.

Yes! I can do this! I glimpse myself in the glass of the Fire Extinguisher's instructions hanging on the corridor wall, and I catch the petrified look of the tall red-haired 31 year old woman. What the fuck was I thinking? I need to go. Now. I can never outwit him or defend myself. I couldn't save them, but I can save myself.

Go. Go. Go.

But I can't.

He holds the key to their deaths.

I need answers. And revenge.

As if I'm not traumatised enough, several worrying thoughts bolt into my brain sending shock waves through every part of my being - What if he's in cahoots with the Man in the Black Sedan who's been stalking me?

What if he KNOWS I'm coming tonight. And WHY.

What if he wants to silence ME!

I need to get the fuck out of here.

And then I hear it. The creak of his door opening.

'And just where do you think you're going?' His low gravelly voice echoes down the corridor and I feel the panic engulf me, shaking me as if I'd been struck by a size 9 earthquake... because I know I'm going nowhere!

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