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SOME FORM OF NORMALITY enters my existence around 3 a.m. and I push Floppy's head off my lap, get up from the couch and put the bottle of vodka back in the kitchen cupboard. I still feel numb but the image of Patrick falling to his death isn't clamouring for centre stage. As I head for bed, I glance at myself in my hall mirror. I stop for a moment and scrutinize my face. I don't look like a murderer. But, I am. And I wonder how I'm going to feel about it in the morning.

I shower and get into bed. My cell phone pings and I nearly don't check it. But it could be Lila and she may be in trouble again. I wonder for the 100th time if the burglary at her home in Venice is connected with me and my troubles. I hope it's Lila and she's fine. Her bubbly excitement with life is infectious. And quite frankly, it's just what I need right now, something mindless to keep my head from focusing on the gruelling night I have just endured.

But it isn't Lila. It is from UKNOWN and a number I don't recognise.

My blood turns to ice.

'Suicide? I don't think so. I have photos.'

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Next book in this series...  'Every Second Counts'

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