Chapter 22: Just A Friend

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Trixie's POV

"Mommy, I wanna ride the bumper cars."

"Melody, you're not tall enough."

"But mommy..Nick and Andrew get to ride."

"Because they are taller baby." I put my hand on Melody's cheek as I smiled.

"That isn't fair." Melody stomped her foot and crossed her arms, slapping my hand away.

"Melody Mattel, you are not behaving."

"I don't care."

"Fine." I picked Melody up and sat her down beside me.

"Mommy, I wanna go play."

"Well guess what, I don't care. You misbehave Mel and you get a time out, you know my rules."

"But I'm sorry."

"Then you can sit here for ten minutes to show me that you are sorry." Melody crossed her arms again and groaned. Katya and Andrei came walking towards Melody and I. Katya and Andrei both were carrying an ice cream cone in each hand.

"Miss Trixie, my mommy and I got you and Melody ice cream." Andrei smiled at me as he spoke.

"Awe that is sweet Andrei."

"Here you go Melody." Andrei held the pink ice cream cone out for Melody to take. Melody looked at me for a second.

"You can take it." Melody sniffled as she took the ice cream cone.

"Melody, do you wanna get your face painted with me?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I was bad. I have to sit here for ten minutes."

"Oh." Andrei turned to me and pulled on my skirt.

"Yes Andrei?"

"Can I sit with Melody?"

"You don't have to Andrei."

"I know but I want to."

"Okay, you can." Andrei sat next to Melody on the bench and ate his ice cream. Katya smiled and sat on the other side of me.

"I got you an ice cream cone."

"Thanks Katya."

"So, what is up with Mel?"

"She is tired. She gets like this when she needs a nap. She takes after her father in that department." Katya chuckled as she smiled.

"Why don't you guys leave?"

"Because she is having fun and I love seeing her have fun."

"That is cute." I looked at Katya, a bit concerned. "What's wrong? You seem beat."

"Oh, um I was out late last night."



"What was the occasion?"

"Oh, just a date." Katya took a lick of her ice cream.

"A date?"


"With who, if you don't mind me asking."

"Uh, a girl I met on Tinder."

"How'd it go?"

"Okay, I guess."

"You don't seem too happy about the date. Was something wrong?"

"I just don't think we had a connection. She was sweet and all but there was nothing there for me."

"I'm sorry Kat. Maybe you just need to say what you are looking for on your profile., explain it a little better."

"I don't know."

"Let me see."


"Let me see your profile." I reached my hand out for Katya's phone. She reached in her back pocket and pulled out her phone, handing it over to me. I clicked on the Tinder app and went straight to Katya's profile. "Katya, you should like a robotic psycho with a child."

"What do you mean?"

"Your true personality doesn't show through this."

"Oh, you know me better than I know myself?"

"No well maybe, but I do know how to hook a person. I'll make you sound not only more human but also appealing."

"I have no doubt that you could but I don't think it'd help. I have been on several dates and I think I'm just not the app dating type."

"I understand, you're old fashion."

"I guess you could say that. My mom taught me how dating should go, and that just so happen to be how my dad and her dated."

"There's nothing wrong with something that isn't broken." I turned to look at Melody as she pulled on my shirt. "Yes?"

"Mommy, I'm really super super sorry and I learned my lesson. Can I go see the face painting clown now?"

"Sure thing sweetie." Andrei and Melody laughed as they jumped off of the bench and ran to a clown that was a few feet in front of us. I handed Katya her phone back with a smile. "I'm sure you will find the right person for you."

"I hope so. Hey Trix?"


"What would happen if the right person is close to me? Like maybe a friend of mine?"

"Well, I am okay with dating friends but everyone doesn't feel that way. If you decided to date a friend, make sure that you both agree to try and stay friends if it ends."

"You're a smart girl, do you know that?"

"Oh, don't let the blonde hair fool you. I know quite a few things."

"I'll remember that."

"I sure hope you do."

"I'm gonna go check on Andrei and Melody, I'll be back."

"Okay." I was happy that Katya could talk to me about things that were on her mind. We had grown closer with all the time that Melody and Andrei spent with each other. Even though I was her friend, I couldn't help that I felt a little odd when Katya said that she had gone on a date last night. Was it jealousy that made my stomach turn and heart drop? It couldn't have been. I didn't have feelings for Katya, we were just friends. She was the mom of my daughter's best friend, that was it. Right? I held my stomach as I looked at Katya. She was kneeling down, smiling at Andrei and Melody. Just a friend..that's all.

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