Chapter 1: The challenge

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 Asano's P.O.V

 Local time: 12PM 15th September 2019        


The first day I saw you were in the school hallway.

I was with my minions, wrapping myself in glorification. Unable to touch.

I didn't mind anyone from lower-ranked classes and I walked past you and your friends.

(H/c), (E/c), your looks caught my eyes.

You didn't see me.

But I saw you.

I only saw you, actually.


Third person's P.O.V

"(Y/n)! Come here hun!"

Your best friend Ai swayed her full stretched arm above the air signaling you to come to her place.

"Yeah? What's up?" You asked glancing at your four friends--some are seating at the school bench, some standing next to them--eyes darting to somewhere.

Akemi wrapped her hand around your neck--her buttery strands of hair graced with the rich glint of today's sun slightly brushed against your cheek--she pointed at a group of males, "Who is your favorite?"

You flinched a little at the sudden question, "No one." You answered blandly.

"Hehh? Why do you even ask her Akemi? She's as boring as a stale piece of bread." Ena sighed and propped her chin in the palms.

"Ne, Kaho! (A/n: Seo's bitchy gf that appears in chapter 23) How about you? What do you think?" The buttery blonde whirled to Kaho as she removed her arm from you.

"Of course I know that I don't have a chance with the school president," The dark haired female sighed, "neither the school's number one fuck boy, I hate those who isn't loyal with their partner."

"Look who is talking~" Ai chuckled, her loose grip in front her mouth.

"Shut up." Kaho winced at Ai as her gaze went back to survey the group of males, "I think imma go with the purple haired one."

"Oh, you mean Seo?" Ena still gave that boring expression, her eyes averted to the purple haired male in the group, "he looks okay? I guess..."

"Can you do it within a week?" Akemi cooed, approaching the dark haired female.

"Of course!" Kaho smirked.

"Well, back to (Y/n)~" The buttery blonde gave you a closed-eyes simper.

"What? I said no one." Your eyebrows grimaced.

"Nah don't tell lies~ like who doesn't have a crush on the school president." You could see Akemi blushed a little as she twirled her beautiful strand of hair.

"You like Asano-kun?" You asked without hesitation.

"Yeah...who doesn't? Even the emo Ena lowkey has a crush on him!"

"H-hey! I-i do not!" The chubby brunette felt her face heated up.

"I do too." You and your group of friends startled at Ai's sudden confrontation.

Although being placed in C-class, Ai still is the most popular girl in school. Her flawless face, hourglass body, gorgeous rose gold hair, every adjectives to describe something beautiful would perfectly match her. Ai even broke her record last year which is to receive twenty confessions a day.
But still, somehow she joined your normal girl squad, even being your best friend.

"No! Back off Ai! I won't allow that!" Akemi looked so devastated she could explode at anytime.

"Girls! Listen! What if I can hook up with Seo? Then I can get you to know them! Taking you all as friends of friend's girlfriend as an excuse!" Kaho's lips formed another smirk, "who can steal Asano-kun's heart first is the winner, no debate!"

"I disagree!" Akemi's voice cracked a little, "that's just so unfair!! There is no way I can stand a chance at the school's number one hot girl!"

"Well but you can't forbid someone to flirt with their crush isn't it?" You folded your arms, letting out a sigh. You seriously have no interest in these things.

"Let's see then~ seriously, what if he's not that kind to only cares for looks?" The rose gold haired female smiled at the buttery blonde--which made Akemi thinks that she's challenging her.

The blondie bitted her lips, "F-fine! Let's wait 'til then."

You and Ena stood their observing the scene. Since Ena is considered fat, she has a very low self-esteem; therefore she wouldn't want to join the challenge. You on the other hand, don't even give a sh*t about boys. You despise the arrogant group of infamous males, especially him, Asano Gakushū you walked away.

||One week later||

"Guys! I did it! Seo is officially my boyfriend~" Kaho beamed cheerfully.

"Really?! How?" Akemi was the fastest to reply.

"Hehe~ never underestimate your friend like that," the dark haired female chuckled, "especially since I'm also very popular within the C-ranked classes."

"Yeah so have you planned to let us visit the big five?" The blonde just can't wait any longer. Within a week, she spent a huge amount of money to invest in her appearance, manicure, hair and skin makeover, makeups, you can count all in.

Kaho took out her phone, "Of course!"

Akemi, Ai, Ena and you nervously waited for Kano's announcement of the location and date to visit the boys. Finally, the dark haired female speaks up.

"Tomorrow, 7PM we shall head to Sakakibara-kun's mansion, they will throw a party there!"

Since the A-class all top the 50 highest rank during their last exam, Asano agreed to organize a party at Ren's mansion as their reward. However, these girls are very lucky to have the approval to the occasion, a lot thanks to Seo--who has begged Asano to death.

"Deal~" Ai cooed, couldn't hide her smile, Akemi as well.

This party will be sure to be an opportunity for them to hook up with the boys.

"Haiz, whatever." You sighed, you would rather go home and study rather than spending times there. But what should you do? You couldn't make your friends upset because of you.

Tomorrow came, and y'all ready. Especially your friends--Ai and Akemi--readying to take down the heart of the prestigious Asano Gakushū.

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