Chapter 5: One Night

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|| 4:10PM, the schoolyard ||

Third person P.O.V


A jot surprise was written on her face as she looked at you, "Yes (Y/n) darling?"

"I have something to tell you," your face wan, "but please don't tell Akemi."


"What!?? You mean he only uses her to--" you immediately grabbed her mouth before she could blurt the words out right in front of the other students.

"Ai!! Shhh!" You released her, unhappy of how sudden the rose gold lose her control.

"Oof--sorry sorry." Ai clapped her hands together, indicating an apology, "but why did you decide to tell me?"

The wind today is tougher than usual, whirling and leading to where the leaves should be dancing at next, the west direction to the cafeteria, so did your index finger. "Look." You sweat dropped.

"Ohh! I see..." You sweat dropped doesn't mean your best friend doesn't.

"Don't you find it creepy?"


"That stalker."

Your gaze drifted away from her, "Of course...that's why I wanted to tell you, so you wouldn't tell Akemi what you saw, especially you are often by my side."

The bond between you and Ai went silent, but the voice both of you wouldn't wish to hear suddenly broke it.

"Hello, beautiful." The strawberry blonde male chirped, his lips parting in a dazzling smile as he strode toward you, giving you bedroom eyes, he completely ignored your best friend.

"Why are you keeping following me?" Your eyebrows knitted at the sight of the Student Council President.

A short chuckled, full of seductive breathing of his, "It's your fault heartie, isn't it?"

"Don't call me heartie!"

"Why not? It's you who got the key to my heart."

"Stop with your stupid flirting!"

Another chuckled from him; you honestly can't understand where the funny thing about that was.

"To be fair for both of us," Asano said, "you are allowed to call me whatever you want."

A smirk plastered on your face, and a jot of sarcastically nodding, "Fine then, I will call you...hmm.." your eyes fixed on him, "Assahoe Gakushit."

"Hahaha." The president gave you a closed eyes smile, "I like your sense of humor."

You cleared your throat, "What's wrong with you? You find that funny?"

"Um...let's go (Y/n)." Ai tugged on your sleeve, you jerked a bit in surprise realizing you were so into the conversation with him that you have forgotten your best friend for a moment.

"Yeah, let's go!" you pulled the rose gold with you and preparing to leave as the amethyst eyed male spoke up again.

"You can leave but remember to text me back okay? You stopped ever since that night."

You winced at his irritating words, but continued walking away with your friend, "I will never reply your messages so why are you keep sending them?"

He caught up with you, "Because sooner or later you will have to answer them."

"Or you, to the police." You look at him in the eyes, "for stalking."

Asano let out a grin and stepped ahead to block your path, "If you thought it was stalking, you would've blocked me long ago. Plus, it's your punishment for not coming that day, I also stopped going out with Akemi."

Your eyes widened at the words he just said, "You...what?! That's why Akemi looked so devastated recently! Did you tell her you wanted a break-up?!"

"No! Of course I don't!" The strawberry blonde again gave you that infamous fake closed eyes-smile, but what comes next you already know, a livid death stare.

"It will be better if she figures it out herself, by seeing me stalking on you daily, constantly texting you."

Your temper finally slipped out the leash, "W-why you?! Son of a bitch!!"

"One night," He said, "One night alone with me, then she will never have to endure the pain."

"Tch!" you hissed at him, and without further ado, you pulled Ai with you out of his sight. Zero looking back. Your body constantly moving, you just didn't want to see his face or hear his voice anymore. You needed a rest, properly a bath, and then you would be reconsidering. It's only one night actually, and you wouldn't want any of your friends to hurt.


|| 7:05PM, your room ||


<Wechat.    Asano Gakushū (1000+) 👤


Asano: I will arrive at your apartment at 7PM to pick you up. Get ready, ok?


You intended to wear a bland white shirt and a pair of blue jeans like the usual but then you thought it would look 'too good' on you to be with him so instead you chose to wear that ugly neon pink dress Ena gave you last year as a birthday gift.

You put the dress on and look at your reflection in the mirror, observing those horrible ounces of fat the dress exposed you.

You just shrugged and mumbled to yourself, "You are not beautiful (Y/n)."

Then you hurried outside and saw his figure.

Which made your heart pounding faster than usual.

You didn't know why.

His strawberry blonde strands of hair-- graced with the saffron yellow street light-- swaying along the cool breeze tonight.

A white shirt and blue jeans, his fashion taste is exactly the same with you.

Simple but elegant.

'His shirt might smell like his good scent' you can't help but thought to yourself.

As drawing nearer, you realized you were right.

Like a habit, he leaned against his jet black limousine, crossed his arms.

"You are ten minutes and four seconds late, dear." His dreamy amethyst eyes fixed on you as he grabbed your hand.

"Let's go shall we?" You felt his soft and warm lips pressed against your dorsal aspect of hand. 

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