Chapter 3: Hot chocolate

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I remember clearly the first time I talked to you

Judging by your face, I knew you weren't felt so comfortable talking to me

You were very good at hiding and lying

I wish you never lied, so I could've helped you...


|| 12:07PM, the school cafeteria ||

Your P.O.V

"So that's how it went!" Akemi digs her spoon in the curry as she finished telling us how she hooked up with the principal's son. I'm still very concerned about Ai. I mean, she has eaten lesser ever since...

"Hey, if you are officially his girlfriend, why aren't you with him right now?" Ena sucks on her spoon. She does have a point; every couple spends their lunchtime together especially if they are not in the same class and rarely have time together. 

"He said he's busying with his student council work." Akemi gobbles the full spoon of curry, "but anyway, that's the only con of dating the hottest guy of the school. I must learn to accept it."

"You are indeed lucky, you cannot ask for a better thing," Ena says, still sucking on her spoon. Um... by the look of your eyes I know you're jealous but sorry it disturbs my eyes a lil seeing you lick the spoon that way.

Akemi points her spoon at me and back to Ena, "Yeah, I know right? And why don't you guys just started dating some guys already? Like a lot of young people like us, all have their experience with their lovers; if you don't right now, you are the retarded one."

Ena looks kind of annoyed,"Why do I have to? We are still young, we still have plenty times. And it's better if we focus on study rather than some cheesy romantic stuff or do you want to drop to E-class?"

"Shut up Ena! You are only jealous of me because I am the one and only girlfriend of Gakushū Asano! You will never in a million years have a chance with him considering your fat belly!"

"Akemi, that's rude!" I've had enough of this, "apologies to Ena!"

"Like hell!!" She stomps her dish of curry on the table, causing it to create a loud thud throwing attention to the other students in the cafeteria as she marches away, leaving the leftover food like that. 

"Ena, are you okay?" I ignore the blonde; I just wanted to make sure Ena is fine after Akemi's rude words toward her--since she already has a very low self-esteem. 

"Y-yeah.., I'm fine, don't worry about me." She ducks her head down, avoiding my eye contact. 

I give her a soft half-smile, "Don't let other people's words affect you. I know it's hard but..." I take a hold of her hand, "just...try to control it by ignorance, you are beautiful the way you are, and being a confident girl is a bonus point for that. Once you have controlled your emotion well, those words are just some buzzing sounds coming from a fly."

I look at her in the eyes, "Oh and, those who control their emotion well are always live a better life than those who only speak ill to others. Why? Because they do not run in any fight, just leave the world's expletive behind, you decide what makes you; never become those assumptions' slave." 

Ena sniffs a little, " know what? I actually never felt comfortable wearing hoodie to school during summer."

"Take it off!" I let out a wide grin, indicated the proudness for my friend. 

...why do I even have the right to tell her these things. Overall, I am the one who cannot live true to myself, not her...


||4:05PM, threshold to the school yard||

Today is overcast.

I stare at the dull, sunless sky. Considering the rainy season is flushing in; although it looks gloomy, no sign of angriness, only the serene sky.

The wind hustling, forcing the leaves to cluttered tumble around the schoolyard. But the majority of students didn't seem to care as they hurriedly rushing to cram schools. I decided to have a drink. 

I approach the vending machine. Since the day is dark, the light coming out from the front glass of the machine gleaming the front part of my face and body, leaving the other half in grey.

As I still contemplating whether which drinks I shall get for myself, a boy makes his way beside me.

His luminous amethyst eyes, it's just too beautiful for me to even breathe; especially the bright white light of the vending machine graced it to another level.

He picks the number 505. Putting in coins, he takes his drink out and look at me. "Hey."

"H-Hi." I can't believe I stuttered. 

"Want a drink?" The president asks, his voice gravelly calm, so soft and sweet it feels like pouring honey in my ears.

"Of course, why am I standing here anyway," I say.

"I will buy for you one, come!" He inclines his head indicated me to follow him.


|| 4:15PM, the school bench ||

"Your name is (Y/n) right? (Y/n) (L/n)."

"Yeah, why did you know?" I look at him--who is sitting next to me. 

"Your friend told me." He sips his jelly grape drink, the wind ruffle his strawberry blonde hair.

I look at mine--iced chocolate.




"Why did you choose this for me? I didn't even say anything."

"You don't like it?"

"No I didn't sa-- "

"That's why you dropped it earlier?" He lifts his eyebrow in confusion.

My face blanches. 

"Um..yeah. Properly." I keep my head lower, my grip again struggling to hold the can tightly. 

He leans back at his sit, our eyes meet each other, "Okay?"

"Actually, today is gloomy." I fidgeting the can of iced chocolate, "I would prefer hot chocolate, it gives you a cozy vibe."

The strawberry blonde opens his mouth, he leans closer to me, then stop.

"I will keep that in mind." He stands up and slings his bag on. Preparing to leave.



"You are supposed to be with your girlfriend right?" I stopped playing with the can.

A smirk spreads over the corner of his lips, as if he finds my words amusing, "What if I say I only use my girlfriend to be with you?"

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