Chapter 4: Yes or Yes?

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I'm sorry for being a manipulative asshole,

I'm sorry for being selfish,

I'm sorry for being arrogant,

If I weren't like this before,

You've fallen for me sooner,

Our times together would've been longer...


|| 4:08 PM, the schoolyard ||

Your P.O.V

Unlike the color of payne's grey yesterday, today the schoolyard is flooded with the light streams of dandelion. The piercing tsavorite leaves stay with themselves, letting those shafts of yellowness intruding in, forming bright cluttered honey texture all over our figures.

Akemi is impatiently waiting for her boyfriend to finish his student council works. Us, somehow have to wait for him as well.

After about ten minutes, the Student Council President finally steps out of the building, along with his four friends.

"You guys can go now; I still have to accompany my girlfriend." He tells them.

The purple-haired guy inclines his head toward us, "Hey, where is Kaho?"

"U-uh...She..headed home first. Her family has some emergency issues." Luckily, Ai is able to make up a convincing reason.

"Oh, is that so.." Seo ignores us and walks away, followed by Araki and the womanizer.

"Hey, babe." Asano approaches and leans in to place a kiss on his girlfriend's burning cheek.

"You missed me?" He bends his head down a bit so their foreheads could come in contact; their lips are only inches apart.

"Of course I do! I don't like the fact that you always busy with your works!" Akemi pulls a face.

The president slightly chuckles, "Me too, so I have this offer--"

"Eww! Cheesy romance!!"

I sweatdrop and look at Ena--beside her is Ai--Kaho is gone with her ex-boyfriend again, lucky that Seo still hasn't found out.

"If you want to have your cheesy moments together then quit to somewhere else! This place is only for us F.A independent women! Now, shoo!" Ena wiggles her hand shooing the couple away.

I facepalm. This is so embarrassing...

I thought Asano would be scolding at her, but instead, he respects her demand, "Fine then," he plasters a grin, "we will leave you independent girls in peace."

The amethyst eyed male pulls his girlfriend to his side, making their way away from us.

When he walks past me, I could feel a small piece of paper brushes against my palm, I understand and grab it.

"Call me later." He murmurs in my ears, then vanish from the periphery of my vision.

As if I would

|| 7:06 PM, your bedroom ||

My hair is dripping water after I took a bath. Even though I already wrapped a towel around my neck, the droplets keep dropping on my apricot fur throw pillow I'm hugging, the blanket too, slowly soaking in.

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