Chapter 10

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"(Y/n)!!! I'm so jealous!!" Yukia screamed in the girl's ear. She dropped the pen she that was holding due to the unexpected action of her best friend.

"Jealous of what?" (Y/n) scratched her ear lobe that was still tingling from the loud voice. "You broke my ear, by the way."

"Oops, my bad." Yukia laughed and took her seat in front of (Y/n), who's continuing to write something on her notebook. "Man," she sigh and leaned her head backwards, her long brown hair swaying from the air coming from the open window. "I can't believe you met the Oikawa-san. (Y/n), why didn't you invited me???" She wailed.

"Huh? I thought you were busy that day." She looked at Yukia with questionable eyes.

"I was extremely free that day, thank you very much. Wait, who told you that?"

"Daichi did."

"That little..." She grumbled, her closed fist shaking as an irk mark appears on her forehead. Knowing she couldn't rewind the past she sigh and slumped her back against the chair. "Daichi knew me very well. He knows that I'll only be there to drool over athletic boys, their muscular arms and their thick thighs—"

"Did you do your assignment?" (Y/n) said, cutting Yukia's words. The latter gasped and looked at the person behind her with wide eyes. (Y/n) was afraid her eyeballs were gonna come out.

"We have??!!"



"Good morning girls." Ennoshita said from behind, cutting off Yukia's scream and also saving (Y/n)'s ears from breaking for the second time that morning. Both girls looked back to see him and Narita putting down their bags. Both of them went towards (Y/n) and Yukia to join their conversation but soon cut it short when both of boys also forgot their assignment.

Ten minutes later the bell rang, signaling that class is going to start. (Y/n) did the usual: listen, write, answer, like any students would do in class but somehow, in the back of her mind there's part of her that wonders why Oikawa asked for her number.



It was now the end of class and the four of them were on their way to the gym. The girl looked back to see who was calling her in the hallway. Yukia, Narita and Chikara also stopped on their tracks upon hearing the girl's name being called. They honestly weren't surprised that Nishinoya and Tanaka were the one calling her in an annoyingly loud voice.

(Y/n) noticed all the students at the area laid their eyes on them. She smiled shyly and waved her hands as a signal that everything is fine and that there's nothing to worry about. She let out a sigh of relief when all of them returned their attention to their previous stuffs.

"Hey, you guys headed to the gym too?" Narita asked once the two were now in front of them, still out of breath from the run.

"Hm!," They hummed because that's the only thing they could muster due to the lack of air. "But! (Y/n)-san!" They both screamed again.

The girl had to put a finger to her mouth to tell the two to be quiet. She was beginning to feel annoyed at their loud voice but she guess she have to get used to it.

"Please don't scream in the hallways guys," (Y/n) told the two.

"Oops, sorry!" They whisper yell.

"Now what is it that you had to scream her name, boys?" Yukia said, hands on her hips.

"W-W-Well..." They stuttered because of the scary aura Yukia was emitting. "We w-want (Y/n)-san to help us study for this coming quiz on Friday. If that's fine with you, (Y/n)-san!" They looked at the girl with eyes full of hope.

(Y/n) blinked before looking at her classmates then shrugged. "Well, I don't have any plans after your volleyball practice so I guess I can help you guys out." She looks at Nishinoya and Tanaka and smiled.

"Really?! Thank you (Y/n)-san!" Tanaka said.

"Yeah, thank you so much! If you want I'll buy us all ice cream after studying!" Nishinoya jumped up and down, thankful for the angel sent from above.

"Wait, I'll be there too." Ennoshita raised his hand.

"Hm? Don't you already have good grades Chikara-kun?" Yukia said, looking at the boy while tilting her head to the side.

"Hm," He nods. "I usually study home but since there's free ice cream, why let the chance pass?" He smirks at Nishinoya. "You said 'all', right?"

Yukia blinked for a while before realizing what her classmate meant. "OHH! Smart idea Chikara!" She said while playfully punching the boy's arm. "Then, I'm going too!"

"What about you, Narita-kun?" (Y/n) asked the boy who stayed quiet. The boy shook his head and said he had something to do.

"Well then!" Yukia clapped her hands together. "Guess that's settled." She looked at Nishinoya and asked, "Library after volleyball practice, starting today?"

After closing his gaping mouth the asked boy nods and soon they all start to make their way to the gym for practice, also hoping Coach Ukia isn't there yet to scold the boys for being late.



Guys!! Wth tHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2k!! I can't believe a trash fanfic like this could get that many reads. Y'all are the best!!!

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