Kenjutsu. The Fūji Ninja Clan

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Kazuma and Erda went to honor their fallen brethren at the Palaestra burial ground, before venturing a more dangerous road. Sin and Fenrir became guest on the Tsukino family house. Their cover story is that Sin being yet another of Usagi’s cousins, and Fenrir being her  boyfriend from Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Cloth Ushio and Sailor Mercury were assigned to keep an eye on them. Minako went ho her residence on uptown with her new “friend” Alexer. 

Finally Lascoumoune and Tsukikage decided to visit the Fūji Ninja Clan village. Before arriving, they’ve decided to visit the gravestones of his fellow clansmen. While seeing the beautiful landscape, Lascoumoune couldn’t help but smile.

Lascoumoune: Only in my dreams would I've saw something as beautiful. Hmmpf. I've decided to not return to return to Olympus.
Tsukikage: What about your superior, Callisto? Won’t she come after you?
Lascoumoune: (smiles) There’s a man by my side which i owe my restored eye. I know he would help me. And with the insight you’ve shared, nothing in this world can scare me now. I know you’ll help me, as I’ve helped Sin and Fenrir. I want to believe that i might find a place to belong just yet.
Tsukikage: Tell you what? Whatever i earn from my missions is yours. But first, i must complete your training.

They’ve found an unusually long wakizashi sword and Tsukikage retrieved the sword.

Tsukikage: You’re as capable as a shinobi in everything but one aspect. Your lack of Kenjutsu knowledge.
Lascoumoune: Huh?
Tsukikage: I’ve decided to teach you the Fuji-Ryu Kenjutsu form.
Lascoumoune: Why? Am I not a Gaiju to you, why do you share this with me?
Tsukikage: Because i wish to. And because you know defeat. And because swordplay knowledge belongs to everybody. It shouldn’t be limited to just a clan or family. After my death, the Fuji-Ryu Kenjutsu that i've perfected will be lost to the outside world. It will be a pity. You’re the most special woman I've seen in my life. The best qualified to learn my craft. After learning my swordplay, you will wield this sacred sword "Kazetetsu, the wind Edge",  and you’ll become the best shinobi weaponmaster there is. You’ll become a full fledge chunin Kunoichi. No Athena Saint nor Satellite will match you ever again.

Then he steps away from her and prepares to perform his secret Kenjutsu martial form. 

Tsukikage: This sword has a past, and like us it has seen much pain, much blood. My ancestor Shishimaru Tenoh from Iga began training at 10 years old. Became enlightened at swordplay at 11, by 16 he read every scroll and book about kenjutsu, chinese swordsmanship and fencing. He was beaten by a powerful adversary called Jinnai Domah. The ninja killer.  He survived, because his beloved sacrificed herself to save him. After many violent bouts, he took the sword from his hated enemy and vanquished his foe, avenging the death of his lost love. 

(see this video)

Many years later, Shishimaru and his new love, Kōga Hayabusa, escape the Ninja's conquest and defeat. They formed a new clan. The Fūji Ninja Clan. They decided that this particular sword 風てつ (Kazetetsu or Wind Edge) were to be hidden, and the form secret. No longer.

Lascoumoune: Hmm.. わかった (Understood)
Tsukikage: See, memorize and listen. The Fuji-Ryu Kenjutsu, is based in the potential of a Thousand cuts.

(the form was almost identical to the form of the following video. but at a very fast pace.)

After displaying the firsts steps, then he made upper and lower skashes, followed by precise thrusts, he made circular motion focussing his Ki from his center to the sword hand, causing a whirlwind of wind and Ki around him.

Tsukikage: You must be like a breeze, and being like the nature of the water, casting no shadow, LEAVING NO TRACE!!

He cut a very big boulder in half with a downward slash. Then he took a deep breath and began to cut in both horizontal and diagonal slashes barely visible for a gold saint.

Tsukikage: Flow like a river!! All your movements are one!!

After his sword dance, he performs a thrust towards the rock. And this one became rubble. Then he proceeds to make defensive moves. After  he finished his form he sheath his sword. Lascoumoune was awed from the skill of her new teammate.

Tsukikage: The kenjutsu of Shishimaru Tenoh is focus on simplicity. Focus more on the sword’s soul than it’s formula.

Tsukikage spits blood and collapses from the effort.  

Lascoumoune ran to help him.

Tsukikage: 恥ずかしいです. For a kenjutsu master, dying in pain on sickbed is an embarrassment.
Lascoumoune: (serious) How would you rather die?
Tsukikage: Under the blade or arrow that i came to respect.
Lascoumoune: (prepaing an arrow tip) If only you were born in Olympus… quite an angel would you become!!
Tsukikage: I really like you. (coughs) I swear I'll be your best friend in the next life.
Lascoumoune: How about in this one?

Lascoumoune force-feeds Tsukikage with a piece of one of the Apples of Idunn. Tsukikage felt his condition cured and his health being recovered.

Tsukikage: You had the Apple all along? 
Lascoumoune: I'm not letting you off the hook. 

Suddenly, a girl gets near them

????: Zenzō? No! It can’t be… (seeing Lascoumoune) Aya?

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