The Rune of Victory. Asgard Redemption

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Helia: There were various Gods representatives. Dolbar, Lifya, Hilda... but the one I despise the most it's you, Sailor Sin. Or should I say, Sigrun?

Helia harnessed her cosmo and executed an attack.

(tense music)


Helia's attack engulfed Fenrir and Sin in a time-space vortex

Suddenly, Frodi and Sigmund got close to Helia and tried to attack her. Frodi with his Wildschwein Strahl and Sigmund with his Paard Briller, but Helia stopped their respective attacks with the Gugnir Spear

Helia: The horse and the battle hog are trying to protect the wolf? HAHAHA!!

Meanwhile, the vortex made them remember their previous lives.

Fenrir remembered his past life as Beowulf. The Prince of the Geats, that comes to the aid of Hrothgar the First, Odin's representative at the time. He fought Grendel the Troll bareheaded and Grendel's mother with the ssword Dáinsleif. The same sword that was in Utgard's possession. Fenrir saw how Beowulf returned to his ancestral home and became their king, respected by both the Æsir and Vanir alike.

But then Fenrir saw a hidden truth about the Earnanæs Dragon. The mortally wounded Beowulf, with the help of Wiglaf managed to pierced the dragon's throat where its heart lies. Beowulf managed to cut the animal from throat to abdomen with the Nægling Sword and how the sword was broken performing the deed.

When the Dragon dies it transforms on the Gugnir Spear and it was reclaimed by Helia herself.

Odin saw that injustice and blissed his Alioth cloth with a drop of his own blood in order for someone's as worthy as dedicated to Asgard as Beowulf to reclaim the sword and the name.

Sailor Sin had a different vision.
Sin saw her past life as the Queen of the Valkyries, in which she was indeed in love with another member of the Fenris clan, Alioth Helgi.

Their relationship wasn't condoned by Sigrun's family as Helgi was indeed a half-jötnar descendant of the Fenris chaste and she was promised to the God Warrior Hödbroddr of Gullinbursti that, unlike Alioth Helgi that protected Asgard from the shadows, the Gullinbursti family protected Asgard openly from the light.

Sigrun and the Fenris chaste invaded the Gullinbursti kingdom and slays everyone that opposed their relationship.

Finally, Helgi began his duel with Hödbroddr. The fight was incarnate, but equal.

Then the young Jötnar God Warrior unsheathes a sword while saying "This is the bloodfang sword Dáinsleif it will hunt their pray until eat it"

Hödbroddr replied "You're a Jötnar. Our lineages are like light and shadow. Some things just don't mix" while unsheathed the Siegschwert

Helgi replies " Light or shadow, we are both oathmen to Asgard. You're like a brother to me. But, if we keep fighting each other... one of us will be destined to die "

Helgi attacked Hödbroddr with a technique he called Wolfpack Roux, that had certain semblance to Fenrir's Northern Gūnro Ken in which Helgi summoned cosmo Jötnar wolves to attack Hödbroddr. It worked at first, but he killed them with a cosmo explosion and attacked Helgi. His attack would've pierced Helgi, but Sigrun used her axe to save Helgi. Then he wielded Sigrun's Axe to kill Hödbroddr while Sigrun says "We follow our own conviction to pursue the path which we believe"

Sailor Moon/ Saint Seiya. Asgard Redemption. Book 2. Light of AlfheimWhere stories live. Discover now