Chapter 9

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Previously on Sparkmates Of Destiny:

"She can hear you talking, Mom" Sam scowls.

"Thank you" Mikaela accepts the complement.

"Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry you had to hear our little family discussion about this-" Judy realises the girls heared their entire conversation.

"Sorry that we're bugging you" Ron apologises.

"Backpack- do you have my backpack, ma?" Sam quickly asks before they leave.

"Come on, hon. Let's go" Ron urges her.

"Oh, it's in the kitchen. Have you seen Lauren? I thought she would have come to see what all the ruckus was about. Never mind, she's probably in her room, I'll go check" Judy replies.

"Crap! Quick, Night! Lift me to my window!" The girl in question curses as her friend crawls off the porch in relief.

Lauren scrambles into her bedroom window with help from NightStar, her feet touch the ground just as her door knocks

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Lauren scrambles into her bedroom window with help from NightStar, her feet touch the ground just as her door knocks.

"Lauren? Are you in there?" Judy calls out.

"Sup?" She questions while swinging her bedroom door open.

"You're all filthy too. What have you been doing?"

"...listening to music?"

"Didn't you feel the earthquake?"

"What earthquake? Have you been drinking again?"

"Well yeah, but your father felt it too. Didn't you hear him shouting?"

"No, music remember? I was listening to Skillet"

"I suppose that makes sense. You tune everything out when you're listening to them" Judy sighs.

"Exactly" Lauren grins triumphantly.


"I want you to distract my parents while I slip out and get these glasses to them, okay?" Sam instructs Mikaela as Lauren enters the room.

However, they all freeze when the doorbell rings repeatedly.

'Here we go' Lauren thinks while rolling her eyes.

Ron heads to the door and opens it to reveal the one and only, Agent Simmons. Oh how Lauren disposes him in the first movie.

"Ronald Wickety?" The Agent questions incorrectly.

"It's Witwicky. Who are you?" Ron corrects him.

"We're the government. Sector Seven"

"Never heard of it"

"Never will. Your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?"

"It's Witwicky"

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